All rights reserved to S. Malamud

Muraena helena

מורנה ים תיכונית

Size range: 120-130 cm

Common size: 80 cm (max: 150 cm)

Depth range: 5-100 m (max: 100 m)

Habitat: Hard - rocky

Water column position:

  • Benthic

Schooling characteristics:

  • Solitary

Colors & patterns: Head rather thin, but body can be quite thick (strong, muscular).

The mouth is large, reaching well behind the eye.

Posterior nostrils (just behind the eyes) are tubular (see picture ahead).

In adults, a patch of crumpled skin above eyes.

Variable in color, from brown to yellowish or greyish. Usually speckled on head, with large blotches on rear body.


1. Cryptic - caves/crevices/overhangs

2. Activity: Nocturnal, mostly

3. Approach: Shy

4. Unique behavior: Quite territorial, can bite when provoked.

5. Feeding characteristic - fish, crabs and squid

Native/Exotic: Native

Photo by Hezi buba, all rights reserved

Notice the posterior nostrils behind eyes

Photo by Hezi buba, all rights reserved