Photo by Shevy Rothman, all rights reserved

Scarus ghobban

Size range: 30-50 cm

Common size: 30 cm (max: 90 cm)

Depth range: 1-70 m

Habitat: Hard - rocky (more or less mixed with sand)

Water column position: Supra-benthic

Schooling characteristics: Solitary. Sometimes in small groups

Colors & patterns: White-pink jaws forms a parrot-like beak.

Tail has pointed, slightly elongated edges. Overall color is pale-blue,

  • Females - covered (in varied extents) with alternately blue and yellow scales
  • Males - color pattern is more uniform

Behavior: Transient - not related to specific sites

2. Activity:?

  • Diurnal
  • Nocturnal
  • Both
  • Crepuscular

3. Approach: Shy

4. Unique behavior: -

5. Feeding characteristic: ?

Native/Exotic: Exotic

EM notes: Recorded in the Mediterranean since 2002. In the visual surveys conducted by the lab it is usually observed in the Rosh-hanikra Achziv reserve.

Photo by Hezi Buba

Juvenile, Rosh-Hanikra Achziv reserve

Photo by Shahar Chaikin