Pempheris rhomboidea

גרזנון הכוכים

Size range: 5-16 cm (max. 18 cm)

Common size: n/a

Depth range: n/a

Habitat: Hard - shallow rocky and coral reefs

Water column position: Pelagic-Neritic

Colors & patterns: The body is compressed and rhomboid shaped; Large eyes; Diameter much larger than snout


  1. The species is cryptic and reef associated: During day time forms large hovering aggregations in caves, grottos and shady undercuts. At night yhey leave their retreat to feed on zooplankton in the open waters.

2. Activity: Nocturnal

3. Approach: Shy (??)

4. A concise description of any unique behavior: Spawning season in their original habitat (Red sea) is year-round while in the Mediterranean only between April to September. The eggs and larvae are planktonic. After hatching, when the larvae reach a size of 6-7 mm they recruit to rocky area and adopt diurnal behavior. Only after they reach to a size of 9 cm they join adult schools and becoming nocturnal.

Schooling characteristics: Large schools (?? is it true or should it be big groups?)

Native/Exotic: Exotic to the Mediterranean sean invaded from the Red sea via the Suez canal at the 1970's.

EM notes: