Sciaena umbra

Size range: 20- 60 cm

Common size: 28.0 cm

Habitat: Specify the title (Hard, Soft or Vegetation) and the type:

  • Hard - rocky, caves and reefs
  • Soft - sand

Water column position:

  • Supra-benthic

Colors & patterns: Both dorsal fins and the truncate caudal fin, are yellow with a black border. The body is grey with flashes of gold and silver. specify differences between: ??

  • Females
  • males
  • Juveniles
  • Special patterns (for example, a breeding pattern)


  1. Whether the species is:
  • Cryptic - caves/crevices/overhangs
  • Reef-associated - related to sites it inhabits
  • Transient - not related to specific sites

2. Activity:

  • Nocturnal - but it can occasionally be found during the day hiding niches.

3. Approach: ???

  • Indifferent

4. A concise description of any unique behavior (breeding, nesting, cleaning etc.).

Schooling characteristics:

  • Small groups

Native/Exotic: Native

EM notes: description of special east Mediterranean characteristics. ???