Ostorhinchus fasciatus

אפוגון דו-קו

Size range: 2 -6 cm

Maximum size: 10 cm

Depth range: 20 - 50 cm


  • Hard - rocky
  • Soft - sand , silt, mud

Water column position:

  • Supra-benthic

Schooling characteristics:

  • Small groups
  • Large schools

Colors & patterns:

  • Body pinkish-grey on the back, becoming silvery white on the posterior part of the belly
  • Two dark longitudinal stripes, the upper one from the nape to the upper base of caudal fin, the lower stripe from the tip of the snout, through the eye, to the end of the middle caudal fin rays.
  • The fins are pinkish-orange; large specimens have series of brown dots on the membrane of second dorsal and anal fins.
  • Two dorsal fins


  • Cryptic - Hides in rocky habitat during the day while at night preys in open water close to the substrate
  • Transient - not related to specific sites
  • Activity: Nocturnal
  • Mouth brooder, the males incubate the eggs.

5. Feeding characteristic - Zooplanktivore

Exotic: Indo - Pacific

May be confused with: