Silago suezensis

Size range: 20-30 cm*

Common size: -

Depth range: 1-40 m

Habitat: Soft - sand , silt, mud

Water column position: Benthic

Schooling characteristics:

  • Small groups
  • Large schools

Colors & patterns: Elongated body and snout, small mouth.

The back us pale-brown, the sides and belly are white to silvery.


  1. Transient - not related to specific sites

2. Activity:?

  • Diurnal
  • Nocturnal
  • Both
  • Crepuscular

3. Approach: Shy

4. Unique behavior: -

5. Feeding characteristic: Benthic invertebrates: polychaetes and crustaceans

Native/Exotic: Exotic

EM notes:

Photo by Shevy Rothman