S. Chaikin

Pteragogus trispilus

Size range: 7-8 cm (max: 10 cm)

Common size: ?

Depth range: 1-30 m


  • Vegetation - seaweed, Mainly
  • Hard - rocky and mixed habitats

Water column position:

  • Benthic

Schooling characteristics:

  • Solitary

Colors & patterns:

Beige to grey-black blotch (ocellus) on gill cover, usually obvious, white bar on cheek, often double.

A rather straight head profile

Pointed pelvic fins.

Elongated dark blotches along lateral line, mixed with white fragments.

May display very different colors (red, orange, yellow, green, etc.

  • Males - very long pelvic fins.


  • Cryptic, Reef-associated

2. Activity:?

  • Diurnal
  • Nocturnal
  • Both
  • Crepuscular

3. Approach: Shy

5. Feeding characteristic - not well established, gut content included foraminiferans and crustaceans.

Native/Exotic: Exotic

EM notes: When first observed in the Mediterranean was mistakenly identified as Pteragogus pelicus, and than was defined as a new species, in 2013.

First seen by the lab members in the 2019 Crete surveys (October). Right after was seen during the 2019 fall Biobliz survey, in Achziv.

May be confused with: