Myliobatis aquila

טחן עיטי

Size range: range 60 - ? cm. Max length : 183 cm.

Common size: As described in written fish guides/FishBase.

Depth range: depth range 1 - 300 m

Habitat: Lies and feed on soft bottoms, and also near offshore reefs and outcrops. Found in shallow lagoons bays and estuaries; also offshore down to at least 95 m .

Soft - sand , silt, mud

Water column position: bentho-pelagic

Schooling characteristics: Often found in groups .

Solitary \ Small groups\ Large schools

Colors & patterns: Brown or dark gray/blackish dorsally, white ventrally . darker at tip of wings.

, specify differences between:

§ Females

§ Males

§ Juveniles

§ Special patterns (for example, a breeding pattern)

Behavior: they swim in open water by flapping their wings, but feed on the seafloor

1. Whether the species is: bentho-pelagic

Transient - not related to specific sites

2. Activity:

§ Diurnal

§ Nocturnal

§ Both

§ Crepuscular

3. Approach:

§ Shy

§ Indifferent

§ Easily approached

§ Bald

§ Followers

4. Unique behavior:

Exhibit ovoviparity (aplacental viviparity), with embryos feeding initially on yolk, then receiving additional nourishment from the mother by indirect absorption of uterine fluid enriched with mucus, fat or protein through specialised structures

5. Feeding characteristic - Feeds on benthic crustaceans, mollusks and fish

Native/Exotic: Native throughout the Mediterranean

EM notes: description of special east Mediterranean characteristics.