Mullus surmuletus

Size range: 15 - 30 cm

Common size: 25 cm (personal exp. - smaller)

Depth range: 3-80 m


  • usually found on Soft bottom- sand , silt, mud
  • sometimes found on rocky or vegetation habitats.

Water column position:

  • Benthic

Colors & patterns:

  • two barbels on chin (can be folded)
  • upper profile of the head moderately convex with a sloping snout
  • First dorsal fin with dark markings!
  • no strips on tail.
  • pale with reddish -brown longitudinal line on sandy bottoms
  • Often darker and more molted on rocky bottom
  • Juveniles: 3-4 cm juveniles in the shallow present pattern of blue-green back and pearl white belly for couple of days before they switch to the species regular color pattern.


  1. Whether the species is: (?)
  • Reef/bottom -associated - related to sites it inhabits

2. Activity:

  • Diurnal

3. Approach:

  • Indifferent

4. A concise description of any unique behavior (breeding, nesting, cleaning etc.).

Schooling characteristics:

  • Small groups
  • sometimes small individuals found with group of other species like symphodus etc.

Native/Exotic: Native

Diet: Feed on benthic organisms such as shrimps and amphipods, polychaetes, mollusks, and benthic fishes .

EM notes: description of special east Mediterranean characteristics.