Balistes capriscus

נצרן ים-תיכוני

Size range: 15-60 cm

Common size: 30 cm

Depth range: 0-55 m


  • Hard - rocky, coral, artificial
  • Soft - nests in the sand
  • close to shellfish farm

Water column position:

  • Benthic
  • Supra-benthic

Schooling characteristics:

  • Solitary or pairs
  • small groups

Colors & patterns:

Pale grey, greenish-grey or yellowish-brown.

The front dorsal fin has three spines, the first being very strong and much longer than the other two.

2nd dorsal and anal fin deeps, undulating when swimming

Crescent tail shape.

eyes small and located in the back of the head

The body may have three indistinct broad dark bars and there is a pale streak on the chin.

often some small blue spots and lines on the dorsal fins and upper parts of the body, and sometimes white dots and irregular lines on the lower parts of the body.

  • juveniles are more colorful and the blue stripes are more pronouns.
  • head white when caring for eggs


  1. Species is:
  • Reef-associated - related to sites it inhabits

2. Activity:

  • Diurnal (?? maybe? self exp.)

3. Approach:

  • Easily approached
  • Bold

4. Unique behavior: May be aggressive when nesting.

5. Feeding characteristic - Benthic invertebrates like molluscs and crustaceans .

Native/Exotic: Native

May be confused with:

Photo by

Photo by Shahar Malamud

Photo by Hezi Buba

Photo by Shahar Malamud

Photo by Shahar Malamud