Scomberomorus commerson

סקומברן זריז

פלמידה לבנה

Size range: 25-150 (max. 200 cm)

Common size: 120 cm TL male/unsexed

Depth range: 10 - 70 m

Habitat: Water column

Water column position: Pelagic-Neritic

Schooling characteristics: Large schools

Colors & patterns: 8-11 dorsal and ventral finlets; jaws with compressed teeth; lateral line bent downward beyond second dorsal and anal fins.


  1. Whether the species is: Transient - pelagic. highly migratory along the costs in large schools.

2. Activity: Diurnal

3. Approach: Shy

4. Unique behavior: Young fish are found near sandy or muddy substrate. spawning season in the Mediterranean is not known.

5. Feeding characteristic: piscivore - feeds mainley on schooling fishes, squids and shrimps.

Native/Exotic: exotic, originally with a wide Indo-Pacific distribution from the Red sea and South Africa to Australia and Fiji.

EM notes: description of special east Mediterranean characteristics.