Sarpa salpa

סַלְפִּית צְהֻבַּת־פַּסִּים

S. Chaikin

Size range: Max 45 cm (Fishes of the Eastern Mediterranean), Max 55 cm (Europe and Mediterranean Marine Fish)

Common size: 15-30 cm (Fishes of the Eastern Mediterranean), 30-35 cm (Europe and Mediterranean Marine Fish)

Depth range: 1-30 (1- 150) m (Fishbase) | 10-30m (1-150) Europe and Mediterranean Marine Fish)

Habitat: (Fishes of Europe and the Mediterranean , Europe and Mediterranean Marine Fish)

  • Soft - sand
  • Hard- rocks
  • Vegetation -Found in substrates covered algae, seaweed meadows where it grazes.

Water column position:

  • Demersal (Europe and Mediterranean Marine Fish)

Schooling characteristics: (Fishes of Europe and the Mediterranean , Europe and Mediterranean Marine Fish)

  • Large groups
  • Small groups

Colors & patterns:

  • Body- silvery- grey with 10-12 longitudinal golden- yellow lines (Fishes of the Eastern Mediterranean)
  • Dark spot on upper origin of pectoral fin (Europe and Mediterranean Marine Fish)
  • Back- bluish- grey (Europe and Mediterranean Marine Fish)
  • Young looking brighter and more shiny

Behavior: (Europe and Mediterranean Marine Fish)

  • Reef-associated - related to sites it inhabits
  • Seaweed meadows
  • Adults may be found in open water

5. Feeding characteristic - (Fishes of the Eastern Mediterranean)

  • Adult- almost exclusively herbivorous
  • Young- feeds on small invertebrate, mainly crustaceans



EM notes: (TBC)