Belone belone

שיפודן מובהק

Size range: 50-80 cm

Common size: 45 cm (max: 104 cm)

Depth range: 0-1 m (max: 5 m)

Habitat: Open water

Water column position: Pelagic-Neritic

Schooling characteristics: Small groups

Colors & patterns: Upper and lower jaw forming a thin "beak". The lower jaw is a little longer than the upper one.

Body very thin, oval in cross-section.

Forked tail.

Jaw teeth comparatively large and widely spaced.

Although may be difficult to observe in the water, the back is dark-blue, the sides are silvery and the belly is white.


  1. Transient - not related to specific sites

2. Activity:?

  • Diurnal
  • Nocturnal
  • Both
  • Crepuscular

3. Approach: Indifferent?

4. Unique behavior: often swimming near the surface. Swoop down upon their prey from above.

5. Feeding characteristic - small fishes, particularly clupeids and Engraulis

Native/Exotic: native

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