Aidablennius sphynx

Photo by Mai Lazarus

Size range: 6-7 cm (max: 8 cm)

Common size: 6 cm

Depth range: 0-1 m (max: 3 m)

Habitat: Hard - rocky (especially on sub-horizontal algae-covered platforms

Water column position:

  • Benthic

Schooling characteristics:

  • Solitary

Colors & patterns:

Eye tentacles are thin.

Along the body, dark longitudinal bars, edged with white or light-blue lines.

Body background color varies from very pale grey-beige to yellowish-brown.

  • Males - Blue-green ocellus behind the eye, edged red/orange. The anterior part of the dorsal fin is very tall.


  1. Whether the species is:

  • Cryptic

2. Activity:?

  • Diurnal

  • Nocturnal

  • Both

  • Crepuscular

3. Approach:

  • Shy

4. Unique behavior: -

5. Feeding characteristic - Benthic invertebrates and algae

Native/Exotic: Native

EM notes: -


Photo by Mai Lazarus

Photo by Mai Lazarus