Gobius auratus

Size range: 6-10cm

Common size: 6-7cm

Depth range: 10- 30 (range of 5-70)


  • Hard - rocky habitat mixed with sand , with plentiful growth of algae and gorgonians

Water column position:

  • Benthic

Schooling characteristics:

  • Solitary

Colors & patterns:

  • Body entirely golden-yellow
  • Breading males sometimes have dark blotch on base of pectoral fin
  • Rare morph (northern Adriatic) with spots and dashes as Yellow headed goby


  1. Whether the species is:
  • Reef-associated - related to sites it inhabits

2. Activity:

  • Diurnal

3. Approach:

  • Indifferent -when approached closely will retreat

4. Unique behavior:

Characterized by hovering in open above substrate

5. Feeding characteristic - crustaceavore, carnivore. Macrobenthos feeder, meaning they ingest small bottom dwelling creatures over 1mm in length, but they will also feed on molluscs and echinoderms

Native/Exotic: Native

EM notes: description of special east Mediterranean characteristics.