

Size range:10-17 cm

Common size: 15 cm.

Depth range: 5 -40 m

Habitat: Specify the title (Hard, Soft or Vegetation) and the type:

  • Soft - sand
  • sometimes on Vegetation - sea grass beds

Water column position:

  • Benthic

Schooling characteristics:

  • Small groups (??)

Colors & patterns:

  • Transverse red-brown streaks on upper tail lobe, a wide band on lower lobe
  • sometimes a brownish longitudinal line.
  • two barbels
  • pale body with light brown spots.


  1. Whether the species is:
  • Reef-associated - related to sites it inhabits

2. Activity:

  • Diurnal (??)

3. Approach: (?)

  • Indifferent

4. Unique behavior: A concise description of any unique behavior (breeding, nesting, cleaning etc.).

5. Feeding characteristic - Feeds on hypobenthic invertebrates, mainly crustaceans and, to a lesser extent, polychaetes .

Native/Exotic: Exotic

EM notes: description of special east Mediterranean characteristics.