Size range: max 43 cm (Fishes of Europe and the Mediterranean) max 40 cm (Fishbase). max 30 cm (Fishes of the Eastern Mediterranean)

Common size: 25-30 cm (Fishes of Europe and the Mediterranean) 12-20 cm (Fishes of the Eastern Mediterranean)

Depth range: 5-50m (1-400m ) (Fishes of Europe and the Mediterranean) | usually at ?-20m (Fishbase)


  • Hard - rocky, gravel (Fishes of Europe and the Mediterranean, Fishbase)
  • Soft - sand (Fishbase)

Water column position:

  • Benthic - Demersal

Schooling characteristics: (TBC)

Colors & patterns:

  • Irregular blue or bright white longitudinal lines
  • Overall Colour pale sand to brownish, belly paler
  • 8 more or less visible dark saddles on back , sometimes prolonged by dark bars on side


  • Cryptic - demersal

2. Activity (TBC)

3. Approach:

  • Shy, must be approached with great care or it will dart instantly into the sand

4. Unique behavior:

5. Feeding characteristic - piscivore, occasionally on other animals


EM notes: in the EM can be confused with

© Hezy Buba

© Hezy Buba