Pterois miles

Size range: ?-35 cm FishBase.

Common size: FishBase.

Habitat: Specify the title (Hard, Soft or Vegetation) and the type:

  • Hard - rocky, coral, artificial
  • Soft - sand , silt, mud
  • Vegetation - seaweed, sea grass

Water column position:

  • Supra-benthic

Colors & patterns:

  • Mature individuals with white and brown vertical bands. Dorsal spines elongated with pale white end. Tip of tails translucent with black spots. Couple antennas above the eyes.
  • Juveniles usually black


  1. Whether the species is:
  • Cryptic - May hold still for relatively long period in small caves, Sometime upside-down.
  • Reef-associated - related to sites it inhabits and coral reefs

2. Activity:

  • Nocturnal - Usually active during twilight and night time.
  • Both - seldom active during daytime.

3. Approach:

  • Easily approached
  • Bold

4. A concise Ambush feeder, thus most of the time lays without moving near the substrate/ reefs.

Schooling characteristics:

  • Solitary to small groups

Native/Exotic: Exotic in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin

EM notes: Becomes common over the years in shallow habitats to 100 m deep. In Israel mostly seen int the central-northern shores.

Mature individual

South Crete, Greece

Curious individual

Artificial reefs, Sdot Yam, Israel

Young individuals

Ras Abu Galum, Sinai