Aetomylaeus bovinus

טחן פר

Size range: 35 - 148 cm .

Common size: 150 cm, Max length : 222.0 cm .

Depth range: depth range 10 - 150 m

Habitat: Lies and feed on soft bottoms often swim in open water

Soft - sand , silt, mud

Water column position: bentho-pelagic




Schooling characteristics: sometimes in shoals

Solitary \ Small groups \ Large schools

Colors & patterns: Focus on unique characteristics which distinguish the species from others, specify differences between:

§ Females

§ Males

§ Juveniles

§ Special patterns (for example, a breeding pattern)

Behavior: Lies and feed on soft bottoms often swim in open water

1. Whether the species is:

Reef-associated - related to sites it inhabits

§ Transient - not related to specific sites

2. Activity:

§ Diurnal

§ Nocturnal

§ Both

§ Crepuscular

3. Approach:

§ Shy

§ Indifferent

§ Easily approached

§ Bald

§ Followers

4. Unique behavior: A concise description of any unique behavior (breeding, nesting, cleaning etc.).

5. Feeding characteristic - Feed on bottom-living crustaceans and mollusks.

Native/Exotic: Native

EM notes: description of special east Mediterranean characteristics.