Size range: 30 cm - 100 cm SL (Fishbase) | max 120cm - Fishes of Europe and the Mediterranean

Common size: 60-90 cm - Fishes of Europe and the Mediterranean | Common length 50 cm SL (FIshbase)

Depth range: 0-5m (15m ?) - Fishes of the Mediterranean | 0-10m (120m) - Fishbase

Habitat: Specify the title (Hard, Soft or Vegetation) and the type:

  • Soft - (usually above) sand and mud

  • Hard - rocky (Fishbase)

  • Mostly in Coastal areas with high organic content such as estuaries or harbors

Water column position:

  • Benthopelagic (Fishbase)

Schooling characteristics:

  • Large schools

Colors & patterns:

  • Thick translucent tissue around eye (difficult to see underwater)

  • Back greenish, silvery-grey sides (sometimes yellowish)

  • White belly

  • more or less visible grey longitidinal lines

  • usually a blackish spot on pectoral fin base


  • Transient

2. Activity:

  • Mainly Diurnal

3. Approach: (TBC)

4. Unique behavior: (TBC)

5. Feeding characteristic - herbivore, detritivore, zooplanktivore (juveniles up to 3 cm),

Native/Exotic: Native

EM notes: (TBC)