Lithognathus mormyrus

שישן מסורטט


Size range: 30-40 cm

Common size: 30 cm (max: 55 cm)

Depth range: 5-50 m

Habitat: Soft - sandy bottoms, sometimes close to rocky or sea grass beds areas

Water column position: Pelagic

Schooling characteristics: Small groups, occasionally in large schools

Colors & patterns:

Forehead almost straight, snout long and rather pointed but jaws short

Thin vertical brown streaks


1. Reef association: Transient

2. Activity:???

  • Diurnal
  • Nocturnal
  • Both
  • Crepuscular

3. Approach: Shy, however, may be interested in the activity of a divers' fins

Feeding characteristic - Worms, mollusks and small crustaceans

Native/Exotic: Native