Dasyatis chrysonota

טריגון אטלנטי

Size range: Max disc width 75 cm

Common size: ?

Habitat: Soft. Sandy bottoms, usually close to rocks.

Water column position: Benthic

Colors & patterns: Distinctive blue blotches on dorsal side.


  1. Transient. Displays seasonality.
  2. Diurnal.
  3. Shy. Swims away quickly.
  4. Females during gestation are burrowed in the sand and hardly move.

Schooling characteristics: Small aggregations during mating season (Spring).

Native/Exotic: Native.

EM notes: Difficult to distinguish between D. chrysonota, D. pastinaca and D. marmorata. Some guides (Fishbase, FAO) don't consider this species to exist in the Mediterranean.

Photo by Shahar Chaikin

Photo by Shahar Chaikin

Photo by Shahar Chaikin

Photo by Shahar Chaikin

Photo by Shahar Chaikin

Photo by Shahar Chaikin