Symphodus ocellatus

שפתון עינוני

Size range: 8-10 cm (max: 13 cm)

Common size: ?

Depth range: 1-15 m (max: 30 m)

Habitat: Specify the title (Hard, Soft or Vegetation) and the type:

  • Hard - rocky: mainly adults
  • Vegetation - sea grass: young individuals

Water column position:

  • Benthic/Supra-benthic

Schooling characteristics:

  • Solitary
  • Small groups - sometimes

Colors & patterns:

This species has several patterns, but the common characteristic is the oval-shaped blotch on the gill cover.

Additionally, a dark band on sides with a pale white band above, and a small black spot on middle of caudal peduncle.

  • Females - blotch on gill cover is dark to pale brown.
  • Males - blotch on gill cover is colorful (red-pink outline, greenish inside)
  • Juveniles - sometimes orange pattern, see below
  • Special patterns:
  1. Mottled pattern, typical to males when taking care of eggs in the nest.
  2. Orange pattern, with overall golden-yellow to brown-orange color. Ocellus is often visible but the longitudinal stripes often missing.


  1. Whether the species is:
  • Reef-associated

2. Activity: ???

  • Diurnal
  • Nocturnal
  • Both
  • Crepuscular

3. Approach: Shy

4. Unique behavior: Distinct pairing during breeding season. Males taking care of eggs - they build a dish shaped nest and guard the eggs.

5. Feeding characteristic - Invertebrates - bryozoans, hydroids, tubicolous, worms, shrimps, amphipods and mollusks.

Native/Exotic: Native.

EM notes: not very common.