Epinephelus marginatus

דקר הסלעים

Size range: 0.3-1 m

Common size: 0.45 (from personal experience)


  • Hard - Adults prefer rocky bottoms especially with cavities and shelters. Juveniles are found closer to shore in rocky tidal pools

Depth range: 10 - 50 m

* juveniles can be found in shallower depths (personal exp)

Water column position:

  • Benthic
  • Supra-benthic

Colors & patterns:

  • head and body dark reddish brown or greyish dorsally, usually yellowish gold ventrally; irregular white, pale greenish yellow or silvery grey blotches usually visible on the body and head and mostly arranged in vertical series; more or less distinct black maxillary streak; dark brown median fins; distal edge of anal and caudal fins, often also pectoral fins, narrowly white; pelvic fins blackish distally; pectoral fins dark reddish brown or grey; margin of spinous dorsal fin and basal part of the paired fins often golden yellow
  • sometimes appears dark except from 3 yellow spots under the dorsal fins.
  • can also be completely dark or pale
  • males during spawning season- may have silvery streaked pattern.

  1. Whether the species is:
  • Reef-associated - related to sites it inhabits

2. Activity: (?)

  • Diurnal

3. Approach:

  • Indifferent
  • Easily approached
  • Bold

Schooling characteristics:

  • Solitary


EM notes: description of special east Mediterranean characteristics.