Who's Coming to the Party ?


Who's coming (so far) to the 75th Birthday Party? 

Here's the list from Peggy as of August 10th:

Pete Amann

Carl Angioli

Pat and David Cohen

Gene and Abbie Cooper

Sal and Doreen DeTurris

Hank and Jeanne Groth

Beverly Hodge

Elizabeth Nelson

Tom and Sandy O'Brien

Barbara and Joe Parente

Fred and Nanci Prezioso

Gail Scales

Barbara and Bob Schweizer

Lenny and Linda Schweizer

Anne and Harry Silverman

Peggy Soderberg

Bob Stokstad

Dave and Trudy Stolte


It's a good turnout, and there's still four weeks to go to August 29th.  So there's time to join in if you aren't yet on the list and can possibly come.  Speaking for everybody, we'd love to see you.   Shoot Peggy and e-mail (even just to say Hi) at peggysoderberg40@yahoo.com  or give her a call at 845 735-2845.  For those of you already committed to come (Yeah!) don't forget that $50/person check to Peggy by August 10.  See you soon in Pearl River.

Check out our Class's new Facebook group page:
