1953 Lutheran Confirmation Class


October 26, 2020

Hank Groth was going through some old papers in August  and found this Good Shepard Lutheran Church bulletin from the past.  After moving from New York to Florida in September and unpacking lots of boxes in October, he was able to find the confirmation class photo that accompanied it.  He's sent us these high-quality images so we can all enjoy this treasure from the past.  I've counted at least thirteen names who were in our class and recognize many others from classes adjacent to ours. Since we have a list of names, identifying every person in the photo should be possible.  Using the nomenclature  Row  (1-4, front to back) and Position (1, up to 11, left to right) let's see how well we can do.  Email me your identifications and I'll collect them here.

I'll start it off with this one. 

R4-P5  Henry E. Groth


ps. You'll see the name Stokstad in the program. My father, E.L.R Stokstad, was an usher that morning.

Clicking twice on the photo will get you the full-sized image.