
Pirates' Quiz - Guess Who #2


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Marlene Massavage sent this photo to Anne. Here's the key to some of the girls in the photo, from Marlene.

Top row - L to R / Rene Backeft?, Marilyn Winters, Mary Ann Nimmo

Middle row - Anne Bohnel, Nancy Karp, Irene Metress, Marlene Massavage, Georgia Foshay

Front row - Agnes Evans, Karen Oleson, Peggy Soderberg (end)

Can you identify any of the others? Send answers to Bob S.


The girl in the front row, second from the right between Karen Oleson and Peggy Soderberg is Barbara  Nystrom, who joined our class in the 5th grade (Mrs. Wolff's class) - according to Dick Schaab.

The girl to the left of Maryann Nimmo is Patsy Drummond. The girl inback of me {Peggy Soderberg] is Barbara Hawkes, (according to Peggy Soderberg (7/18).