

from the Reunion Committee

The Class of ’58

March 30, 2008


The planning for the class of ’58 high school reunion is now on track. The reunion committee is really pleased to announce several things we have been working on to make the event an exciting, fun time for all of our classmates.

First: Here are the 2008 reunion dates and activities:

Friday, Sept. 5 – A noontime picnic social with current PRHS students at the high school, a tour of the school and a chance to dialogue with students. This is open to any of our classmates who are available. Then, an evening informal gathering for all ’58 classmates who are in town.

Saturday, Sept. 6 – An all day picnic/party at Krucker’s Grove, where we had our 45th reunion

Sunday, Sept. 7 

– 8:45 am: Mass at St. Margaret's for the deceased members of our class.

– Brunch gathering as a closing event to the weekend. (Not included in the picnic cost.)

The attachment gives you the details for the Saturday picnic/party with times, costs, events and the menu for lunch and dinner. It’s going to be a full day of activities or, if you choose, simply a special time to socialize and “hang out” with friends. We very much hope you can join us. The weekend will be a great time to catch up and share stories once again about a special time in our lives.

Please let us know if you plan to attend the reunion. We would like to hear from you immediately, but certainly by May 15, 2008. If you are planning to attend the reunion, please let Peggy Soderberg know as soon as possible.

Peggy Soderberg Phone: 845 735-2845

270 W. Crooked Hill Road Email:

Pearl River, NY 10965


Second: Our class of ‘58 Web Site is now up and running. The address is:


The web site includes some class photos from first grade to our senior year Washington trip, among other photos. Guaranteed enjoyment with some surprises. Try it out and contact Bob at if you have memorabilia to contribute.

Third: We are asking you to prepare an update on your life for the class web site. The update, memories and photos you send in will be posted on your own page to be set up on the web site. Helpful guidelines for preparing this are attached.

This is what we have planned so far. Let’s hear from you as soon as possible. Once again, it’s our goal to make this a special time for all of us.

All our best wishes, The Reunion Committee:

Tom O’Brien, Barbara Hopko Parente, Peggy Soderberg, Dave Stolte, Bev Raebuck Hodge, Pete Wozniak, Gene Cooper, Anne Bohnel Silverman, Len Schweizer, Barbara & Bob Schweizer, Gail Katt Scales, Bob Stokstad