
Reunion Committee Reports


Meeting on June 30, 2008

From Tom O'Brien:

At the meeting we discussed the folowing:      


1. Reviewed responses and budget.


2. Need to reimburse Bob and Barbara for expenses. (They will only accept reimbursement for stamps.)


3.Brunch. A minimum of 30 is required. After discussion it was decided that if there were not enough signed up, people could meet in the restuarant on their own.


4.Elks. We will be sharing the room with whatever Elks decide to stop in. We will provide pizza and a hero sandwich. Cash bar. Bevely will bake a cake. Major discussion over coffee.  Will have to get directions from Comfort Inn to Elks.


5.Since Dave S. wasn't present we have to find out about receiving admission tickets and get them to those coming. 


6.Considering getting a photographer to take group picture. 


I think that pretty much covers it other than minor issues  related to setting things up at Kruckers.


Let me know if you have any thoughts on the above or other things that we should consider. 

I am e-mailing Lee to thank him on behalf of the committee for his terrific work and to let him know that we will continue to update him as we recieve informatiion. However we have done all we feel we should do to communicate with those on our list.

Next meeting - August 5.




Meeting on May 12, 2008


From Tom O'Brien:

We had a very good meeting. Peggy and Pete reported that we had 38 paid responses and committments from about another dozen. I informed the group that Coach Bert Baker is planning to come as our guest and we discussed what other teachers are still in a position to be invited. The Bristows were mentioned and Dave Stolte will try to contact them. If anyone  has information about others we would like to know.

We are sending a letter to Bob Brennan and Frank McGarvey to forward to their classmates inviting them to attend.

We are also drafting another letter with updated information to be sent out including group rate availability at the Comfort Inn, Friday night at the Elks Club, the memorial Mass on Sunday, brunch, etc.

Barbara Parente is going to arrange the brunch at the Comfort Inn.

Gene Cooper had a very good idea and will follow through. He got a great picture of the old high school and will have it made into a refrigerator magnet with inscription. Also he will make copies of our graduation program.
