50's Decade Reunion

home of some old pirates


Celebrating the decade between 1950 and 1960

The period between 1950 and 1960 captured the sounds and heart of a very special time in our lives.  The cars and music defined our life as teenagers.  From Alan Freed’s “Moondog Show”, inaugurated 1951, to the emergence of “Rock and Roll” and television, we were introduced to shows like “I Love Lucy” and cars like the classic 1955 Chevy and 1956 Ford.  We drove and danced our way through “The Stroll”, “In the Still of the Night” and “At the Hop”.  And we, as Pearl River High School students, were fortunate to experience all of this at a time of both innocence and big change.

Now, a Pearl River reunion group representing classes from these years is meeting to plan a weekend event so classmates can gather to share memories, renew friendships and to celebrate our unique Pearl River experience.

Save these dates for a special weekend bash:  September 6,7 and 8, 2013

Members of the committee have already outlined some of the events we are thinking about for the weekend. On Friday, September 6, each class will have an informal welcoming gathering for their classmates at locations to be announced later.  Then on Saturday, September 7, all attendees from each class will celebrate together at Krucker’s Lakeside Picnic Grove. It will be a day of reunion events, food and socializing with classmates and friends from these ten years. We will end the reunion weekend with a brunch on Sunday, September 8.

Other weekend events are being considered as well. The committee will be sending out additional information over the months ahead.

We are gearing up for a weekend where you can meet up again with friends who you shared common experiences with in the classroom, sports teams, clubs and school activities during this special time in our lives.

We hope you can set aside time on this special September, 2013 weekend to celebrate with us and the other class members.

Best wishes to all, 

The 50’s Decade Reunion Committee  (Pearl River, October 23, 2012)