
Update - Ingafu


October, 2018

Bob's still teaching part time at Cal State San Bernardino desert campus.  He's in communication studies.

He's on the board of our HOA and is chairman of our city finance committee.

Both of us volunteer for St. Margarets Episcopal church's outreach program. Every week we distribute food and clothing to over 300 families in need.

I'm one of the board of directors of our senior center plus I'm a member of their choir and ukulele   group. I still play the piano when needed.

5 teenage grandkids and their activities keep us busy too. Our oldest granddaughter was  chosen homecoming princess a week ago.

Life is good and very fulfilling.

Come visit us whenever you're down this way or passing  through.

Peg Leo

Below is our very latest photo, taken with our granddaughter Sophia being homecoming princess at MATER Dei high school.  Sophia is our oldest granddaughter out of the 5 grandkids.  She lives 2 1/2 hours away. (ps. scroll down this page to see an earlier photo of Sophia.


May, 2014

We went with our church to the Holy Land last Fall and found the trip very moving.  To actually visit all of the places we had read about in the Bible since we were kids and finally see it all was amazing.

We continue to enjoy desert life.

Bob is teaching at Cal. State San Bernardino part time and I have finally decided to take up golf now that I am officially retired. I'm very active in the Outreach program at our church as so many folks are not as fortunate as we are and need food and clothing.

That plus daily water aerobics, bocce ball, my senior singing chorus and the grandkids' activities keeps us very busy.

if anyone would like to see recent photos and more updates I'm Peggy Leo on facebook.



click on photo to see larger image 

Peggy Ingafu Leo                                 

50 Year Biographical Update                                       


I have had 50 wonderful years since graduation. My husband Bob (of 46 yrs) and I have lived all over the United States and have traveled throughout Europe, Asia, Canada,  the Maritime Provinces and Mexico.  We have two married sons: Chris, 42, an advocacy attorney for St. Joseph’s Hospitals, and Nick, 37, in music marketing and promotions. They have given us two granddaughters who live only 2 hours away. Sophia  6 yrs and Penelope 3 , whose pictures you see below.       

At the present time I am teaching 2nd grade full time, directing the elementary school chorus and the teachers choir for the school district.  Bob teaches Communication Studies at the local university part time.  Both of us find teaching invigorating and rewarding.

We enjoy our casual, desert lifestyle very much. Our condo overlooks the 9th fairway of the golf course and the mountain views from our pool are spectacular.                      

 My blessings are abundant.

As I reflect, Pearl River was a very special place to be raised and attend school from Kinder/12th with many of you. We had a safe environment, (walking to school,   safety in class, lack of life threatening drugs on campus, etc. How wonderful it was. I feel so fortunate.  

As the song goes” See You in September”.



