
September 2010 Reunion

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(Forwarded by Gene Cooper to our website on 2/23/10, this letter will be printed and mailed toward the end of February, 2010 to the Class of 58)



It seems only yesterday that our class celebrated our 50th high school reunion. And some celebration it was with so many of our 1958 classmates sharing the wonderful experience and memories.  Well here is another opportunity for our class to join in with friends from other Pearl River High School classes to celebrate a 1950’s reunion.

The Pearl River class of 1955 is planning a reunion celebration on the weekend of September 10,11, and 12, 2010.  They have extended an invitation to several other classes to join in a 1950’s special gathering reunion. Consider the people from these six graduating classes that are getting together: 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957 and 1958.

Imagine meeting up again with friends who you shared common experiences with in the classroom, sports teams, clubs and school activities during this special time in our lives.

It is gearing up to be a celebration of our life in that remarkable time … “the FIFTIES”.

With Tom O’Brien in the lead, our class is joining in the planning of the reunion. Members of our reunion committee (“the usual suspects!”) have already met to work on having as many of our classmates attend this unique gathering.  We hope you can set aside time on that September weekend to celebrate with us and the other classes.  The attached information describes the plans scheduled for the weekend and the coordinators involved in the planning.  In addition to the people listed, you can contact the following members from our class reunion committee for more information:

Tom O’Brien  -   845 620-1850

Barbara Hopko Parente  -  845 735-6660

We hope you can join us and we look forward to celebrating with you.

Best wishes to all,

The 1958 Reunion Committee

Important Note:  Our reunion group is considering an informal get together Friday evening (September 10) for our class. More to follow on that plan later.