


Well, here we are at last - 50 years out of high school!  Hard to believe isn’t it?  How does one sum up a life time in a few words?  Family first - I have 2 wonderful daughters, Marisa and Jennifer who each have a son and daughter.  Marisa has Alexandra, 15 and Billy, 10 and Jennifer has Brian 4 and Mary 2 - they are of course the lights of my life. They all live within 20 minutes of me so I am lucky to be able to see them often.  Although divorced for many years, Bob Scales and I are still very good friends and see each other frequently including some holiday dinners.

 I have been in a long term relationship with a marvelous man for 20 years - he spent fall, winter and spring with me and summers at his home in France where I spent many of my summer vacations.  He is now seriously ill and living with his oldest son just outside of London.  He enriched my life and made me laugh every day -  and I miss him terribly. 


I have traveled to most of the usual European countries - starting with a semester in Italy when I was in college.  Most recently I had the opportunity to take my granddaughter Alex to Italy for her 13th birthday and we had a marvelous time.  This past spring I went on a tour to China with some college roommates - it was a grand experience and I highly recommend it. Next I would like to go to the Galapagos Islands or African Safari.


Professionally, although I originally taught English prior to having my children, I retired a year ago from my position as vice president in the professional services division of Aon, Inc., a large global insurance broker.  My clients were international law firms  - they were an exciting, challenging and demanding group but I enjoyed every minute of it.  I would probably still be there but found the commute increasingly tiring and after 9/11 the thrill of NYC lost its luster.  Our NY office was originally in the World Trade Center and we suffered a loss of 300 colleagues that traumatic and terrible day.  I was lucky to be on a plane for Washington, DC that morning - fate I suppose.


Five years ago I bought a home in an adult community here in Somerset NJ after living in Wyckoff and River Vale for most of my adult life.   It seems to have been a wise choice for me, especially now in retirement I have an opportunity to fully use all the facilities.  We have some dedicated people who provide interesting opportunities for us,  particularly the head of our cultural committee who with her many contacts in the music field is able to entice some wonderful symphonies, singers from the Met, as well as non-classical performers to our clubhouse.  Her husband conducts a very interesting current events discussion forum every spring sponsored by the government and we have some heated discussions that make us all think - lots of fun!


I have revived my tennis game and bridge game after  a 25 years hiatus.   I  bike, walk my dog along the canal, play mahjong and volunteer one day a week in the emergency room of our local hospital and of course baby-sit the grandkids when asked. 


Memories of Pearl River - the same as we all have - a small, safe town where you could wander day or night without fear.  Pick-up softball games on warm summer evenings, home parties, working in Umlands, cruising the surrounding towns when we first started to drive and just hanging out with friends.  It’s so true what they say about friends - New friends are like silver but old friends are gold.  Look forward to seeing you all -my old friends!  


Gail Katt Scales