


Where has 50 years gone!!!

I just celebrated 45 years in the publishing industry working for Allyn and Bacon as a customer service supervisor from1963 through1986 when Simon and Schuster acquired Prentice Hall and we became one big happy family. After many buyouts, the company is  now known as Pearson Education (the largest publishing company in the world.)

Through my job, I traveled throughout the United States.  I have enjoyed extensive traveling over the years. In fact my love of traveling began at age 19 when I cruised to Europe by ocean liner and met Gail at the pier in Naples. From there Gail and I spent three months traveling through Europe. We returned to the US on the USS United States where we hung out with Clint Weitman’s friends (working on the ship for the summer from the Merchant Marine Academy.)

When I retire, I am planning trips to parts of the world that I have never been like Australia and New Zealand. Besides all the countries in Europe, I have been to Hong Kong, Japan, Taipei, Thailand Africa,  and most of the Caribbean Islands. Greece and Aruba are my favorites.  Probably because of the beaches.

Lest I forget, casino gambling is my favorite pastime.  Wynne and I would go to Atlantic City a couple times a year and I would go with Gail to her annual Insurance seminar.  I miss Wynne.  She was a wonderful friend and I am devastated by her death.  Gail is like the sister I never had.  I am very fortunate to spend all the holidays with Gail and her family.  

Shortly after my mother died, I met a great guy, Don, with whom I spent 15 happy years together until his death from cancer in 2005.    We would have bought a town house down by Gail and Alfred.  Its amazing how your life and plans can change in a heartbeat. 


My greatest memories from school are the lifelong friendships I have made.  These friendships are what's keeping me in Pearl River.  I am very blessed.  The reunion committee are a great group of people.  We have been working together on the reunions since 2003 and have shared laughter and tears.  The pizza parties are a great way to meet the spouses of the group also.

I still live in my childhood home together with my Newfie Toby and cat Callie.

Life is good.

