
2nd Reunion Letter

June 14, 2008                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            home

June 14, 2008


Dear Classmates and Friends,

We have begun the countdown to our September reunion and have some additional information for you regarding accommodations and certain events that have been scheduled in addition to the picnic on Saturday. We have gotten a great response and are looking forward to seeing you. If you are planning to attend but have not as yet sent in your deposit – please do so as soon as possible.

Reminder, we also are asking you to send in your update. We look forward to learning what you have been up to these last 50 years. Of course, any photos you have are welcomed as well. The easiest way to submit your update would be via email sent directly to Bob Stokstad at

rgstokstad@lbl.gov - or, if in paper form, to Dave Stolte. Dave’s address is:

210 Dogwood Lane, Mahwah, NJ 07430 Phone: (201) 327-1241

Bob Stokstad is uploading the class updates on the reunion web site as he receives them, so check the web site at this address: http://pirates58.googlepages.com


We have gotten a special discount rate at the Comfort Inn, Route 59, Nanuet, NY, for anyone attending the reunion. A standard room is $133 per night (tax included). For reservations call:

1 800-4-NANUET. Be sure to say you are with the Pearl River High School Class of 1958 reunion to receive the discount. The Inn has an indoor pool and a continental breakfast is included.


Friday, September 5, 2008


The principal of Pearl River High School has invited our class to attend his annual BBQ for students on Friday. This will give us an opportunity to have a dialogue with current PR students and see first hand the difference 50 years can make. For those of you who have never been to the current high school – this will be your chance to see it. As you may know, our school was torn down many years ago.

The BBQ will be at noon at the “new” high school. We do need to know how many plan to attend, so please complete the information below and send it to Peggy Soderberg.


We are having an informal get-together beginning at 7 PM at the Elks' Club (on Elks' Drive in Nanuet). There will be pizza and snacks, a cash bar and a lot of laughs. In order to make sure we have enough food, again, please complete the information below.

Directions to Elks Club

Saturday, September 6, 2008

All day picnic at Krucker’s Grove in Pomona, NY. Picnic begins at 10 AM and lasts until 6 PM. 


Directions to Kruckers



Sunday, September 7, 2008

8:45 AM

A Memorial Mass at St. Margaret’s Church, Pearl River, NY will be held in remembrance of all of our deceased classmates.

10:00 AM

Brunch at the Comfort Inn will wrap up our reunion weekend and give everyone a chance to say their goodbyes – at least until next time. The cost of the brunch will be $22 per person – and we hear the food is terrific! Please include a check for the cost of the brunch when you return the information below.



Please complete, detach and return the information by July 15, 2008. Send the completed information to: Peggy Soderberg, 270 W. Crooked Hill Road, Pearl River NY 10965

Name _________________________________

Friday BBQ

I plan to attend the high school BBQ. Number attending _____

Friday Night Elks' Club Get-Together

I plan to attend the Friday night get-together. Number attending ______

Sunday Brunch – Comfort Inn ($22 per person)

I plan to attend the brunch. My check is enclosed. Number attending _____