Douglas Brandrup 1940-2020


Classmates and Friends,

Here is a collection of memories of Doug Brandrup that you have sent in.  Though apparently no one maintained contact with him over the long term, these recollections of his time in Pearl River build a fond and warm memory of Doug.  (There has been minor editing for uniformity.)

Pat Cohen

Just learned of Doug’s passing which was January 31, 2020.  What I know about it is posted on Facebook.  So sorry lose another classmate and beloved friend.

I came to Pearl River in the second semester of the 8th grade.  Do not remember when Doug came to PR.  I know he was there for our Sophomore and Junior years for sure.  He went to Loomis Prep while we were Seniors at PR.  I remember we were King and Queen of the Junior Prom - and he came to our Senior Prom.  He graduated from Middlebury College (where he met his first wife).  His sister Judith was a couple years younger and went to PRH too.  Doug Became a lawyer.

He lived in NJ for many years.  They had three children.  He ended in Greenwich Connecticut; and remarried.  I have not seen him for sixty years.  We have treasured memories of our high school years.  May he Rest In Peace.

Tom O’Brien

Pat, Thanks so much for passing this on. Doug was a neighbor. He lived on Lt.Cox Dr., the street before Lincoln where I lived. I often thought about him.

I believe Doug left us to go to Loomis Prep for high school.

Peg Leo

I recall Doug coming to us in 6th grade from California.

Many girls thought he was cute.

Gene Cooper

Found this photo in ‘57 yearbook. Junior prom with Doug and Pat. So, as Pat knows, Doug was with us in junior year class.

Deedee deRoode

Lovely memories!  I didn’t meet Doug till later — I started in 7th grade — probably 9th grade, but he was so much fun.

Barbara Parente

I am sure you will hear from many of our class mates regarding Doug. I think it was Peggy Ingafu Leo who remembered Doug starting in PR in 6th grade. I came in 1955 our sophomore year. I remember Doug as being very well liked by everyone.

Doug Left PR H.S. after sophomore year as did Dick Tinurelli. I think Doug lived on Lt. Cox  Drive. Yes, I do remember how much music was part of his life.

Gail Scales

Doug did indeed have a beautiful voice.  As I remember when he first came to PR maybe 5th grade or so, he had been traveling with a Boys choir all over the world.  I guess at that point his voice started to change?  Not sure if he was ever in the early grades or not - does anyone remember him earlier - not even sure if he lived in Pearl River all that time or if they just moved there when he joined our class? 

Anne and Harry Silverman

I remember Douglas Brandrup had a beautiful voice. He lived on Brandrup Street which was off Washington Avenue and went thru to Lincoln. Mrs. Brandrup was a very talented Rug Braider. As a young Mother she taught me how to Braid rugs, which I made many. I went to craft shows with her and helped demonstrate that wonderful craft. I also brought my little homemade reversible girls jumpers which I sold too. I also taught my father Mr. Emil Bohnel how to Braid Rugs and he made a few, which we still have in our family. Mrs. Brandrup was a wonderful creative person. I also remember Douglas’s Halloween Party, his mom had quite a scary party for us. I think that was in 5th grade? Soon after that Douglas went to Loomis. 

He didn’t live on Brandrup St. I think Braunsdorf St. I was just going to call Beverly Hodge she would know.

Sixth Grade (Mrs. Graves)  crop from Anne Silverman's class photo.

Dave Williams' 6th Grade class photo

Dick Tinurelli

Doug Brandrup was a good friend both in the choir and in general.  He along with his parents moved to Pearl River from California. Doug was a natural soprano and spent time in Austria and sang for the world famous Vienna Boy's Choir.  I also remember he sang every Christmas in Pearl River at the St. Steven's Episcopal church, on east central avenue.  The Rev. Ernest W. Churchill, rector. For an intro to the service would be soprano, Douglas Brandrup, son of Mr. And Mrs. Clair L Brandrup. I searched, the Orange Burg Telegram for some of this info.

Bob Stokstad

We received news through Pat (Clift) Cohen that Douglas Brandrup passed away January 31, 2020 (Obituary).  Doug was in our class for a number of years before he left to go to the Loomis Institute, a private school in Connecticut.  He went to Middlebury College and to law school at Boston University.  He lived and worked in the Stamford - Greenwich area of CT and was apparently a quite successful attorney.  Doug was the president of a prominent social club in New York, the Metropolitan Club, whose first president was J.P. Morgan!  

Here's a delightful snippet from the Orangetown Telegram and Pearl River Search Light, December 22, 1955, which mentions Doug.

Pearl River Rotary Club members enjoyed a truly old-fashioned Christmas party during its Tuesday luncheon meeting held in the Silver Pheasant Inn. Noith Middletown Road. Pearl River. 'The meeting was conducted by President Dr. Alfred M. Stanley. He asked Peggie Ingafu, a visiting student, to tap the bell to open the meeting, the .same bell her father, the late Sal Ingafu, struck to announce opening of meetings when he was club president. ..... Mr. Sayer.... introduced Mrs. Charlotte Murray, supervisor of the vocal music department of the Pearl River Schools, and director of the School glee club. Mrs. Murray in turn presented the singers individually. They included sopranos — Sue Crosby, Kathryn Kresser, Peggie Ingafu; alto — Marion Summers. Pamela White-Stevens, Georgia Foshay; tenors—Kenneth Jones, Richard Case, Frank Stuart; bass—Kevin Farley, Henry Carmichael, Douglas Brandrup. and their accompanist. Nancy Concklin. Mrs. Murray and her well trained, well-timed choir offered several appropriate Christmas numbers, finishing with such well known songs as "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" and "Silent Night" .....