


Since our last reunion there have been a few changes in our lives - good ones. We now live full-time in Florida. We miss our family and friends like crazy but life is much simpler now. The drive back and forth with two cars was beginning to wear me out. We both still play golf - Harry often, me not so much. I guess that's why I'm not so good at it. A few days a month, I volunteer with the Palm Beach Sherriffs Department in their COP program. The former class hot-rod now gets to drive around in a police car. Also, we are both avid readers so we spend a lot of time at the library. Aside from a Caribean cruise two years ago and a vacation at Pawleys Island, S.C., last year we have not travelled outside of Florida. When you live in "paradise" there isn't much incentive to roam. Our daughters and grandchildren are doing well - we added another great-granddaughter to the family in 2005. We are truly enjoying our retirement and have been blessed with good health and good pensions. I was recently reading through the personal updates from the last reunion and am so impressed with the achievements and personal growth of so many of our classmates. I think we were really lucky to have grown up in a small town with many sets of extra parents and teachers who genuinely cared. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in September.