
West Point Sunday Brunch


Class of 1958 Enjoys Sunday

Brunch at West Point’s Thayer Hotel

by Dick Schaab

The setting was the Thayer Hotel overlooking the majestic Hudson River at the United States Military Academy at West Point. This past Sunday (May 17, 2009) a number of 1958 Pearl River High School graduates and guests enjoyed the Thayer Hotel’s delicious brunch and all gained at least five pounds in so doing! The West Point rendezvous was planned by Tom O’Brien.

Brunch participants included Carl and Pat Angioli, Leo and Elaine Biederman, Gene and Abbie Cooper, Deedee deRoode, Bev Raebuck Hodge, Tom and Sandy O’Brien and Sandy’s guest Susan, Gail Katt Scales, Dick Schaab, Bob and Barbara Schweizer, Harry and Anne Silverman, Peggy Soderberg and Dave and Trudy Stolte.

There was no meeting agenda – just a terrific opportunity to get together and thoroughly enjoy each other’s good company.

Following brunch, Tom and Sandy O’Brien organized a short tour of West Point which was most informative.

Anyone wishing to make a reservation at the Thayer Hotel, call (845) – 446-4731. Their website is www.thethayerhotel.com. You won’t be disappointed!  


Here are a few photos from Gene Cooper. For his entire gallery, click here.