John Bristow  (1924 - 2010)

Dave Stolte writes:

John Bristow and his wife (Nancy Corbett) lived in Mahwah. He was the town historian. He was also a past president of the Ramapo Mountain Ski Club. I guess most of us got to visit with them at our 50th.

Bob Stokstad writes:

Al Fischbein and I recently reminisced about the bicycle tour in Europe after graduation in the summer of 1958.  Tour leaders were Mr. and Mrs. Wood and Mr. Bristow.  Mr B. was the indefatigable enthusiastic observer of any cathedral or object of historical significance, as well as the strongest pedaler in the group.  I recall there was a PRHS club having to do with student exchanges and foreign relations  (does someone recall the exact name?) that Mr. B. led.  This group planned the trip and its success was mostly to his credit.  I remember Mr. B. as one of the most enthusiastic and dedicated teachers of the many fine ones in PRHS at the time.

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