



Pete Gisler is the leader of a walking group in Delaware, the "Delaware Easy Striders."  They just changed their website to Facebook.  Check them out at




Sent you my web site and my grand sons picture [scroll to bottom of this page] , but didn't say much what I am doing.

I don't know if people know,

 1.started and had my own sporting goods business for18 years in park ridge,n.j.

 2.Taught both downhill skiing and cross country skiing as well as tennis till I moved to delaware 2 years ago.

 3.Since I moved to delaware I've got into many things ,below......

     A. Took over running the activities for the 6 couminittes I am part of .

     B.Started a hiking group last fall (web site) which now has over 60 hikers.

     C. Started teaching tennis this summer for a country club down here.

     D. Still tryiny to get in 200 miles a week cycling even with all the other.

     E.Also belong and run activities for a beach singles club I belong to.

Bob that should give you plenty of info , attached a couple pictures (also won senior oly.tennis last year).

    But just like high school and before all sports ,I think coach max T. got me out of high school.

Good think for speel check. Lenny S. got me out of english class for a year.

Anyway wrire it up any way you think is best and I am looking forward to seeing everyone.

  Thanks a lot , you are doing a great job as well as the rest of the comt.

                                                                              Thanks again, Pete Gisler 

click on a photo to see  a larger image


from the Pirates' Inbox:

News from Pete Gisler 


From: Peter Gisler <petegis@mac.com>

Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 16:48:28 -0500

To: Gene Cooper <gcooper82@RCN.com>

CC: Peggy soderberg <peggy_soderberg@prenhall.com>

Gene & Peggy,

Glad to see you to right on top of things , just I soccer gene I havn't seen you in years. I am going to send you a picture of my grandson first year of soccer this year . I moved to Delaware just over a year ago , had enough of Bergen County and high rent . It's great for cycling , I am going to hit 10,000 miles this year ( THATS TRUE). I am attaching a few other things I have been doing: running hikes and still involed with garden st. ski club . I did see Bev Raebuck off and on while I was still in Jersey; when you get to gether again tell her to bring her s.b. glove and Albie Fishbine and us can have another s.b. game. It's hard with 3 but maybe we can get more out this time. If either of you get down this way, I'm 10 miles from Lewes & Rehoboth , De.  Please call and come by and I have plenty of room for you to stay.   So try the Delaware shore please.


Thats all for now , can't wait to see everyone.

Pete Gisler

I just published an update to my website. Take a look!