
e-mail to all


March 4, 2009

Dear Classmates,

The reunion is now six months in the past.  Looks like we had our big get-together just before the economy began to tank in earnest.  Who knows what would happen if we were the class of '59 instead of '58.

But we don't have to rely only on reunions (wonderful as they are) to stay in contact.  The class website is cost-free and available 24/7.  We just have to add material every so often so that it remains an interesting place to visit.

There has been more news, some more photos and, happily,  more bio-updates since the reunion, so I urge you to take a look at the home page:


if you haven't recently done so.  Be sure to look at "Recent News" to get everything that's come along since the reunion.

What we all hope will happen is that we'll eventually have a complete set of bio-updates.   Right now we have 29 updates on the class list


out of the 52 classmates for whom we have e-mail addresses.  That's pretty good, but it would be wonderful to have updates from the others and, of course, from those classmates that are e-mail-free, or for whom we don't yet have contact information.

Just to be helpful in getting started, here are the people who will be reached by this e-mail and who will hopefully send in a few lines and maybe a photo telling all of us a little of what's happened in their lives.  We hope for good news, of course, but at our ages that's not a given.  All news is appreciated - it helps to know if someone is having a difficult time as it provides the opportunity to offer sympathy at the least.  So please, do send me or anyone on the reunion committee an e-mail so that we may add your personal news to the website.

Lets hear from:

Bruce Ainsworth

Carl and Pat Angioli

William Butrico

Larry Dean

Barbara Hawkes Arbogast

Dianna Hazzard Mathews

Barbara Hopko Parente

Nancy Karp Kent

Muriel Marlow Coatti 

Gary Meredith

Norma Molluso Connelly

Esther Morris Chamberlain

Elizabeth A. Nelson

Fred Prezioso

Barbara Rieker Schweizer

Tony Salvadore

Len Schweizer

Robert Schweizer

Lee Shaffer

Richard Tinurelli

Leo Tobin                                             

and from Friends of the Class of '58:

Leo & Elaine Biedermann                       


All news, memorabilia, memories, and anything you think might be of interest to our class is most welcome and earnestly solicited, from everybody.

And let's hope for the best for our and the world's economic recovery in this and coming years.

