
Frank Stuart passed away March 14, 2013


Since graduating from high school, I earned a bachelors degree, a masters degree and a PHD in Chemical Engineering.  Subsequently, I spend most of my career working in the petroleum industry - with Exxon, Gulf and Chevron.  In between my jobs with Exxon and Gulf, I spent three years working with a consulting company in Houston, Texas.  We created computer models of physical and chemical systems using a hybrid computer. 

My career with Gulf took me around the globe.  Although I only lived overseas for two years - in Venezuela.  That stint took place in 1974 to 1976.  This was right after OPEC countries nationalized production in their countries.  My responsibilities were to manage the purchase contracts for crude and product with Petroven - the government company. After that I returned to the US.  Business took me to Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.  Unfortunately, the travels to Africa were to some of the least pleasant countries.  The other travels were more enjoyable.

For the first 20 years after getting my PH. D. my wife and I moved just about every 3 years.  Then in 1985 we moved to California and have remained here since then.

I have three grown children.  Steven is my oldest.  He is married and has provided me with two granddaughters and will provide me with a grandson in September.  He is married to a beautiful Vietnamese girl who is really special.  They live near me in California. My daughter, Jennifer, is also married.  She has been a world traveler.  She worked in Moscow for two years and in Croatia for three years.  She is now living in Vermont and has provided me with a grandson.  My youngest, Jeremy,  is also married and lives here in California also.  He has not had any children.

I retired in 1999 and have enjoyed the new live style.  Unfortunately,  very soon after I retired my wife, Joyce, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  With the help of God and fantastic doctors, she lived three and a half years.  The first two or so years were pretty good.  In the last year she deteriorated rapidly.   She was amazingly strong.  She set her sights on being at Jennifer’s wedding - Steven and Jeremy were already married.  She made it to Jen’s wedding in Washington, DC although she could barely walk by then.  She passed away two weeks later.

I survived the loss only because I had found God a few years earlier.  Now I am active with my church and enjoy wonderful friends.

Frank Stuart (2008)

Added 6/28/2014:   Frank at our 50th Reunion in 2008, in conversation with Al Fischbein.