
Pirates' Inbox

e-mail from and about Classmates


From: Bob Stokstad

To: Classmates and Friends

Subject:  Eileen Wozniak (1944-2020)

Date: February 12, 2020

Click here for e-mail text.


From: Tom O'Brien

To: Classmates

Subject: Lenny's Passing

Date: 11/23/2019

Bob, I just was informed by Lenny’s wife Linda that he passed away this morning. He is being cremated and a memorial will be held in the future. I will keep you and the class posted as I received further details. Please forward to the class.



Jane Holmsen, Class of 1959, passes.

From: Helene Pawlicki Rhodes

To: Classmates (class of 1959)

Subject: Jane'sObituary

Date: 6/13/19

Dear Classmates,

Jane Holmsen Woodward's Celebration of Life will be this Saturday at 11:00 at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Pearl River.

Here is the link to the Robert Spearing Funeral Home in Park Ridge, NJ.


Be well.  Keep safe.

Helene Pawlicki Rhodes

Helene forwarded this email to Bob Stokstad.  Jane Holmsen was well known to many in our Class of 1958.  In particular, she was a participant in the European bicycle trip in the summer of 1958 along with Al Fischbein and Bob Stokstad.  Jane appears in this photo, taken on the boat crossing to France in 1958.

en.  Jane's obituary recounts her interesting and productive life, especially her role as a nurse.


About the Reunion visit with the 8th graders at PRHS.

From: Tom O'Brien

To:  Mr. Pochintesta, Superintendant of Pearl River Schools

Subject:  Reunion visit with 8th grade

Date: November 13, 2018

Dear Mr. Pochintesta,

On behalf of the PRHS Class of 1958 I would like thank you for all you did to help make our 60th class reunion so memorable. Your leadership in arranging for us to meet and spend time with Jerry Houston’s class was an absolute highlight of our weekend. My classmates were most impressed that you not only enabled us to have the event but you took the time to personally attend and welcome us.

We were overwhelmed by the obvious time and effort that Mr. Houston spent in preparing for the day. He made this a very enjoyable event for us and the students. All agree how fortunate his students and the school district are to have him on the faculty. There were many comments wishing that their grandchildren would have such a wonderful teacher.

Everyone was very impressed with the students. They were outstanding representatives of your student body. They were very open and comfortable exchanging information with us. It was most enlightening for us as they shared their daily routines and overwhelmed us with their use of technology. They asked many relevant questions which we enjoyed answering and seeing their astonished reactions to several of our answers.

This event was clearly enjoyable for us as wells the students. We, as well as they, got a wonderful education that day.

Tom O’Brien


From: Jerry <pirateshoops1@msn.com>

Subject: Re: Letter to Superintendent and Board of Ed.

Date: November 15, 2018 at 4:05:53 PM EST

To: Thomas OBrien <tobref@aol.com>

Thanks so much for sending that e mail to superintendent.  I really enjoyed having you guys and my class certainly enjoyed themselves- what a great opportunity you provided for us!! I was very happy to be a part of the celebration of the class of 1958.  Maybe my current 8th graders will come back to PRHS in 2083!!!  Hope all is well and talk soon



From:  Reunion Committee

To: Classmates and Friends

Subject: Updated Events and Schedule for the Reunion Weekend - from your Reunion Committee

Date:October 2, 2018

Pearl River High School 60th Reunion Weekend

Events and Schedule

Welcome classmates and friends. We look forward to a great weekend of fun and memories as we celebrate our 60th reunion. Here is what we are planning:

Friday, Oct. 12

* Visit Pearl River High School -  Time: 10:45am

Meet at the gazebo at the old high school (John Street). We will travel together to the new high school. Included in this visit will be a classroom gathering with students. As we did at our 45th reunion there will be a question and answer discussion covering the contrasts and similarities of our lives 60 years ago and their lives today.

* Remembering Classmates  - Time: 3pm

We will gather at our old high school field memorial to remember deceased classmates.

* Pearl River Elks Lodge  - Time: Roughly 4pm

A get together for an informal welcoming social. Light finger food will be provided.

Donations for that gathering are welcomed.

Address: 2041 Elks Drive, Nanuet, NY  Phone: 845 623-2041

Saturday, Oct. 13

* Walking tour of Pearl River  - Time: 11:00am

A historical walking tour of downtown Pearl River led by historian Jim Cassetta.

The tour will start at the gazebo. The cost will be $7 per person.

* Daytime Activities  - Your choice of other daytime activities or using the day relaxing at the Center. The Center offers an indoor swimming pool, and other sports and social activities.

* Dinner at the Palisades Premier Conference Center  -  Time: 6:00pm

Meet at the designated dining room for an evening of buffet dinner, socializing and special trivia event. A cash bar will be available. Also, a cash bar in the Blu Lounge will be open before dinner for drinks and socializing.

Dress: Evening casual (no ties, jackets optional).

Address:  334 Route 9W, Palisades, New York 10964  Phone: 845 732-6000

Sunday, Oct. 14

* Breakfast at the Conference Center for hotel guests is served between 7am and 10am.

The cost for breakfast for a non-hotel guest is $18 per person.

We look forward to celebrating with you throughout the weekend!

The Reunion Committee -

Tom O'Brien, Barbara Parente, Beverly Raebuck Hodge

Gail Katt Scales, Dave Stolte, Gene Cooper, and Bob Stokstad


From: Reunion Committee

To: Classmates and friends

Subject: Reunion Update - dates and place set

Date:  May 30, 2018

60th Reunion Update

The good news ... Reunion dates and location set!

"We hold our memories dear from year to passing year"

That has a special ring to us, wouldn't you say?

Well, the class reunion committee has taken that line from our alma mater and is using it as the theme of our upcoming reunion. We look forward to sharing memories, friendships and stories from our years at Pearl River.

We have now set the weekend dates and base location for the reunion.

Here are the details:

- Weekend dates:   October 12,13, 14, 2018

- Base location:  Palisades Premier Conference Center

                         334 Route 9W, Palisades, NY

We hope these dates work for you.

Friday, Oct.12,2018 - Informal gathering for all who are in town

Saturday, Oct. 13, 2018 - Day activities and special evening dinner at the

Palisades Conference Center. This facility has a full range of hotel accommodations and features. A block of rooms has been set aside for anyone choosing to stay at the Center's hotel.  Amenities available to us include over 100 acres of landscaped grounds for walking and exercising, as well as indoor sports, social and workout venues. 

Sunday, Oct. 14, 2018 - On site brunch gathering as a close to the weekend

Over the day and evening Saturday we are planning many activities. Among those will be a special trivia event. As an example of what might be included, here is one trivia question for you: degree of difficulty - "3" ("10" being the most difficult):

"Which teacher was a summer life guard at Murray's Lake?" If that's too simple, wait for other more difficult trivia questions to be included.

We welcome your suggestions or other ideas regarding what you would like to include in the weekend celebration.

We are also hoping that other classmates and friends who we have not yet heard from will be able to join us.

Our committee contact person is Barbara Hopko Parente

Barbara can be reached at: 845 735-6660 / email: bjparente@verizon.net

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes to all.

The Reunion Committee

Tom O'Brien, Barbara Parente, Bev Raebuck Hodge

Gail Katt Scales, Dave Stolte, Gene Cooper, Bob Stokstad


From: Reunion Committee

To: Classmates and friends

Subject:  Class Reunion Update - Initial Survey Response

Date:  April 23, 2018

Our class reunion group met last week for the second time. We are pleased to report that classmate responses from our first email to you yielded a count of 30 who indicated interest in attending a 60th reunion. That number includes spouses, partners or friends. We are hoping to reach a number more in the ballpark of 40 to 50 attendees. We are considering engaging the class of '57 to determine if there is interest in joining us for the weekend celebration.

Bottom line ... we are determined and focused on putting together a great weekend gathering in October. At this early stage here is what we are considering:

- We are exploring several options including locations, events and activities

- We have visited one venue that all agreed would be a perfect base

   for the weekend

- Other locations are being considered which would be convenient for

   all out-of-town classmates

- An historical tour of Pearl River with a guide who specializes in Pearl River

   history is being planned

- Special events and activities will be planned throughout the weekend

We welcome your suggestions or other ideas regarding what you would like to

include in the weekend celebration.

We are hoping also that other classmates who we have not yet heard from

will be able to join us.

Our committee contact person is Barbara Hopko Parente

She can be reached at: 845 735-6660 / email: bjparente@verizon.net

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes to all. 

The Reunion Committee

Tom O'Brien, Barbara Parente, Bev Raebuck Hodge

Gail Katt Scales, Dave Stolte, Gene Cooper


From:  Reunion Group

To: Classmates

Subject: 60th Reunion

Date: March 18, 2018

Thanks, Barbara, for catching the mistake. Barbara's email address below should now be correct.  Do respond to her, hopefully with a positive reply.

Bob (with red face).


How about a 60 year reunion?!

Well, once again the class of '58 reunion group has convened. Yes, believe it!

We thought that it would be a really special time if we could get classmates together again, as we did  in earlier reunions, to catch up on our lives, life experiences and memories.

Now we recognize that 60 years is one heck of a long stretch and we know that much has happened in our lives over that time. Because of this, we decided we would first contact everyone to determine whether classmates would be interested in getting together again.

This then is the purpose of this email. We would like to hear from you. Let us know if you would be interested in attending a 60th reunion. If there is enough interest we were thinking of a weekend date of sometime in October of this year.

To determine this interest we are asking you to contact Barbara Hopko Parente at the following:   tel - 845 735-6660  or email - bjparente@verizon.net

Please get your thoughts to us by April 15th.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The reunion group.


From:  Gene Cooper

To: Classmates

Subject:  Tom O'Brien-Rockland County Sports Hall of Famer!!

Date February 7, 2018

Gene Cooper forwarded this e-mail with the announcement of Tom's election.  Here it is for our whole class and our friends to enjoy and celebrate.

Congratulations Tom!

From: Tom Doherty <tommydoherty@optonline.net>

Date: February 7, 2018 at 11:47:03 AM EST

To: malbert@orangetown.com, gcooper82@gmail.com, jeffrybryant007@gmail.com, donvci333@aol.com, rwindram@gmail.com

Subject: Tom O'Brien-Rockland County Sports Hall of Famer!!





Start spreading the news, Tom O'Brien was overwhelming elected last night by the Rockland County Sports Hall of Fame Committee to be inducted into the RCSHF on Saturday night, April 21st at the Pearl River Elks Club. He will be receiving the Prestigious Joe Holland Lifetime Service Achievement Award.


Thank you for your valued input on making this a reality.


For now, I ask you to start compiling for me names and e-mail addresses of people that you want me to invite to the dinner.


In a few weeks, I will be sending out all the info on other inductees, tickets, Dinner Program ads, sponsorships, etc.


Tom O'Brien and the Rockland County Sports Hall of Fame Perfect Together!


Tom Doherty

551-427-2951 (cell)


From: Tom O'Brien

To: Classmates

Subject: Joan Petrie

Date: February 3, 2018

Bob, Somehow my class list has been deleted. I would appreciate it if you would forward this information to those on your list.

Today I called Joan and Harry Petrie. Joan answered and I told her that I missed our email communication that stopped some time ago. Sadly, Joan told me that she was not doing well and was in fact in a wheelchair and Harry was caring for her. She has cancer. ( I didn’t ask what form ).

I know at times like this how important it is to to hear from friends and to know that they are thinking of you. Joan’s address is: 18911Schooner Dr.

Boca Raton Fla. 33496.  Telephone # 561-483-1171.

Also, we have money in our Sunshine Fund. Are their suggestions as to what we could do or get for Joan ?



From: Tom O'Brien

To: Classmates

Subject: Luncheon

Date: October 19, 2017

At our recent luncheon get together, there was mention of a possible 60th year reunion next year.  I thought it would be best to gauge interest before possibly getting the ball rolling. Please let me know if you would be interested in having an event next year so we can come to a decision.

Regards to all,



From: Tom O'Brien

To: Classmates

Subject: Luncheon

Date: September 15, 2017

It's time to get together. We were disappointed when we cancelled "Lunch with Leo" in June. All of a sudden 3 months have gone by. Now that summer vacations are over and before the snow birds leave, it seems to be a good time to get together. We will be planning a luncheon for Oct. 17. in PR. ( restaurant to be determined ).

Please let me know if you are able to attend. This will help determine where we will have it.

Also let me know if there are any others that should be included. ( not necessarily in our class ) Barbara, please let Bev and Norma Maluso know about it. Also if you send me Norma's email, I will add her to our list.

I am sending  to the entire class in case anyone is in the area on that date.



From: DeeDee deRoode <edithmderoode@gmail.com>

To:  Bob Stokstad

Subject:  Facebook Page

Date: January 26, 2017

Thanks a million!  I’m not on Facebook and would prefer not to be.  I’ve no news anyway; surprisingly I’m as busy as I was when I was working but with different activities — all of them pleasant, including helping 1st graders learn to read.  

Best wishes to you and everyone else!



From:  Bob Stokstad

To: Class of 1958 and Friends

Subject:  Pearl River High School Class of 1958 Facebook Page

Date:  January 24, 2017

Dear Classmates and Friends,

As most of you know, we've had a Facebook group page for members and friends of the Class of 1958.   A list of the members of this group is below.   Three more people were added today (I'm not sure how they were missed until now):  Lee Shaffer, Len Schweizer and Linda Schweizer.

If you use FB and would like to be included (we hope you will), please send me the link to your FB page, or go to the group page  Pearl River HS Class of 1958   and request to join.  Either way, that's all it takes.

The group is active in making posts about our respective activities and commenting on them, and welcomes new members with an interest in our class goings-on.  So, if you're not already taking advantage of this, we hope you'll join in and tell us what's happening in your life.

The class list on our regular class website  indicates the class members whose Facebook pages are known and, by inference, those for whom we have no Facebook address. Please have a look and see if you can add a FB address for someone we've missed.

Whether or not you use Facebook,  please remember that if you'd like to put something on the class website, just send me an email.

Thanks and Happy New Year,



From:  Tom O'Brien

To: Class of 1958

Subject:  Leo Biedermann passed away September 23, 2016

Date: September 24, 2016

It’s with great sadness that a share this email that I just received. Leo was truly good guy. He was an active, honorary member of the class of 58. I will greatly miss him. 



From: Leo Biedermann <btse106@aol.com>


Date: September 24, 2016 at 12:30:56 PM EDT

To: many friends of Leo Biedermann









From: Dave Stolte

To: Bob S., Facebook

Subject: Stefanie's Birthday

Date: September 22, 2016

Hi Bob,

Stephanie's birthday is October 3rd. She loves to hear from anyone in the class. If anyone would like to send her a card, her address is:  Stephanie Dunne 90 S. Catherine Drive Daleville, AL 36322  Dave S.


From: Dave Stolte

To: Bob S., Facebook

Subject: Sailor's Warning

Date: September 7, 2016

Hi Bob,

We had serious Storm warnings all weekend. That was my house and boat at the Jersey shore. As it turned out, things were not too bad. Just wanted to share but I'm using a new device and still learning. Not sure how to post on Facebook.


"Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning."

9/3/2016  6 am EDT

10 am


Click here to see where Dave's place is on Barnecat Bay at the Jersey shore


From: Gene Cooper

To: Bob S. (via Facebook)

Subject: Stuck four hours in traffic - with a silver lining.

Date: August 28, 2016

Hi Bob,

I was on the phone today with Tom O'B catching up on our lives as we do from time to time. Told him of an unusual travel story that Abbie and I experienced last weekend. He suggested that I submit it to the class website. So, here it is:

Driving back from a family wedding in Northern Virginia we were about a mile from the Baltimore tunnel on Route 95 when all of the traffic on this four lane highway came to a complete halt. We were stuck there for four hours. Apparently, a Hazmat truck overturned about a 1/2 mile ahead of us. Fortunately we were able to get out of the car and mix with other travelers along the roadside. Best also, was that there were bathroom facilities in the form of bushes growing alongside the road. Fortunately, after scouting the area, we took advantage of those services!

But the real story came when Abbie walked back about five cars behind us where a police officer was talking with other travelers in the middle lane. As she was standing there a guy was walking down the lane with a tray of sandwiches. Yes, a tray of food! He was a caterer who also got caught in the tie up. Since he couldn't make his delivery to a scheduled event, he decided to offer the food to those also stuck on the road. As he stopped by the group where Abbie was standing, he provided us with a complimentary lunch. As Mel Allen used to say "How about that!"

Well, we got home about four hours later than expected, ... but the bottom line ... when we arrived home ... we were less hungry!

Best wishes to you and all of our classmates.



From: Fred Prezioso

To:  Facebook PRHS 1956

Subject: Greetings from Meeechigan

Greetings from Nanci and Fred Prezioso in Meeechigan. Looking forward to a great season with Coach Harbaugh and the University of Michigan football team. Here is a picture of Nanci and I at a recent event sponsored by the Art Center where Nanci is a board member (she did all the floral arrangements, and organized the silent auction for this event). The auction featured a night stand that she painted in her studio ("The Purple Poppy").


From: Deedee deRoode

To: Bob S.

Subject: Our Facebook Page, Bruce Ainsworth

Date: August 24, 2016

Hi there!

Yes, I moved to Bradenton, Florida (between St. Petersburg and Sarasota) on the Gulf Coast about three years ago and, surprisingly, I love it.  It’s quite beautiful here and I’m only a few miles from the beaches.  Milford, CT had 48 inches of snow the winter before I moved — so bad we were all stuck inside for 5 days — and that made the transition easier.  Air conditioning that is included in my monthly fee makes even summers quite bearable.

Al and Carol Fishbein live not that far away and Carol and I meet for lunch every other month or so (she recommended her hairdresser to me) and there’s a “Florida” reunion of her class (she was two years behind us) every March which is fun.

Take care, and thanks for staying in touch.



From:  Lee Tobin

To: Bob S.

Date: August 23, 2016

Subject: Bruce Ainsworth, Facebook

Sorry to hear about Bruce. I'm not on Facebook. My kids want me to be but I keep refusing. It was good to hear from you Bob. Any reunions coming up.? Just a bit of information, my youngest son, Glen just returned from a year in Israel where he was on the Israeli national lacrosse team that went to the European finals against Germany. He scored a goal but team lost. His photo was in all the major newspapers in europe. Be well.

Regards, lee


From: Pete Gisler

To: Bob S.

Date: August 23, 2016

Subject: Bruce Ainsworth, Facebook


Sorry to hear about Bruce,he was a good friend of mine while in school.Next I would like to thank you for the great job you are doing with the class page and now Facebook,I joined it.I am attaching a picture you might want to use on Facebook.Also a web site for the "Delaware Easy Striders" which I started 9 Years ago and not have over 150 active members.We hike every Sunday from October till May.The last 4 summers I have ran trips to Luray,Va.,Harpers Ferry,as well as Jim Thorp.The last 3 summers I have been working for the Delaware Seashore State Park and that keeps me busy from May till Sept.Thanks again for doing such a great job and hope we have another get together soon. Also hope all is well with you.

Pete Gisler

Web site and Picture



From: Tom O'Brien

To: Class of 1958

Date: February 27,  2016

Subject: Peggy

It is with great sadness that I inform you that Peggy passed away yesterday at 5:40 in Nyack Hospital.  Over the past few weeks Peggy had gotten weaker and last week developed pneumonia. Sunday she took a turn for the worst and was admitted to the hospital on Monday. Tuesday morning she was minimally responsive  to our talk and touch and things progressed from there. Gail and Peggy's cousin June were with her at the end. We are hoping to be able to have a service at Good Shepard Church this week. I will be meeting with the Funeral Director this afternoon with guidance from Gail and June and Good Shepard is being contacted to see if things could be in place for the service to be possibly on Thursday. I will let you know when things are finalized.



From: Tom O'Brien

To:  Class of 1958

Date:  December 24, 2015

Subject: Merry Christmas from Peggy Soderberg

Peggy asked that I wish everyone Merry Christmas and happy New Year. She said to tell you all she loves you and is grateful for your friendship.   Sandy and I also wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy HEALTHY New Year.



From: Gene Cooper

To:  Tom O'Brien

Date:  September 3, 2015

Subject:  Al Dawson

Tom, I just looked at our class web site and saw the tribute to Albie. I was so glad that Bob was able to recover his sensitive talk at the memorial. As I read it I was touched again by his love for his brother, Pearl River and the special years growing up in the 50's. Coming so close to our 75th birthday celebration, Albie's memories captured what we all feel about the nourishing spirit of Pearl River life and the friendships we had and continue to have today. In one sense sad, and in another, inspiring. 


From:  Tom O'Brien

To: Classmates

Date: September 2, 2015

Subject:  Albie Dawson

Sad to let you know that Albie Dawson (class of 59) passed away this morning. Those of you who attended the 55 year reunion will remember the wonderful talk that Albie gave at the memorial service.




From: Gene Cooper

To: Classmates

Date: May 12, 2015

Subject:  75th Birthday Party planning

Many of our classmates have had or are having a 75th birthday over this year.

Can't believe it but it's so!

Several members of our class thought it is well worth a celebration. We are in the process of planning a party for us in Pearl River. We are hoping you can save the date of Saturday, August 29th between 4pm and 9pm (or later).

We hope you can join us. We haven't yet finalized the specific plan, but we wanted to notify you of our party idea now.

We hope you and your guest will be able to make it. We look forward to celebrating the event together.

For more information or to let us know if you intend to join us, please contact Peggy Soderberg at the following:

Phone: 845 735-2845

Email: peggysoderberg40@yahoo.com


From: Al Fischbein

To: classmates

Date: May 4, 2015

Subject: Nice photo of grandkids

Al and Carol Fischbein's grandkids, Sophia and Alec Fischbein

More about Sophia and Alec  (from Al):  "They are the son and daughter of our oldest son Gary and his wife Carole.  They live in Cary (yes Gary lives in Cary). N.C. , a suburb of Raleigh. They both go to Cary Academy, where Alec played soccer, lacrosse, wrestled and was a member of the debate team .  He will be going to UNC at Chapel Hill next year and was accepted into their excel program.  Sophia is a member of the swim team and also has a small business designing and making her own line of clothes.  She is also an honors student at Cary.  The picture was taken this May at Cary Academy.  Gary is the assistant CFO for Pepsi Bottling Ventures in Raleigh and Carole is a former vice president of the Georgia Bankers Association (they used to live in Atlanta)."




From:  Al Fischbein

To: Classmates

Date:  February 3, 2015

Subject:  Cruise photos

We went on a New Years cruise with our family to celebrate our 50th. anniversary. Actually we have been married over 51 years, but this was the first time we could get everyone together. Enclosed is a group picture and also a picture of a celebrity who was sitting at a table near us with his family. 



From: Tom O'Brien

To: Classmates

Date: January 8, 2015

Subject:  Carl Angioli and Maryanne Metress appear in book about Pearl River.

Happy New Year !! My daughter Christine gave me a book for Christmas " Images of America PEARL RIVER "  To quote from the back cover, "Using archival photographs, each title presents the distinctive stories from the past that shape the community today."  I was happily surprised to see a picture of Carl Angioli which is in the attachment. I actually recognized him before reading the content. I sent Ang the picture and got his approval to forward it. He also said that the other person in the picture is Maryanne Metress.





From:  Anne Silverman <Granny1_annie@msn.com>

To: Classmates

Date:  October 14, 2014

Subject: greetings from Anne and Harry Silverman

Harry and I  are doing fine.  Harry has beaten Cancer.  We will be going to our warm place, St. Croix, U.S.Virgin Islands, this January 1 - March 31, 2015.  We have been going there every year for 10 years. We missed last year because of Harry, so we will go this next one. All our Crusian friends are very happy to have us back.

Our grandson, Dane, married Tina David on August 2, 2014. A beautiful wedding held on Long Island.  His twin brother, Dereck will wed Kailee De Dominico, on June 20, 2015. Now we can't wait until we are great grandparents! That will be a while, as they both want to purchase a home. Dane is an accountant  (CPA), and so is his wife. Dereck  and Kai are physical therapists. You can tell we are very proud.

We spend most of our time at our Beach house in Ship Bottom, New Jersey.  It is a beautiful place, year round. We go home to celebrate the Holidays, then to St. Croix. Our children live close by which is great, too.

Hope you have a great and healthy year and enjoy life.


Anne and Harry


From:  Carl Angioli  pcang1@comcast.net

To: Friends of the Class of 1958

Date:  October 4, 201

Subject:  Thank you

Dear Friends of Class 58,

It has been a long time in writing this.  I finally have the strength to write this thank you  letter to my classmates.  It was very kind of you who attended Pats services and all who expressed their thoughts and prayer to me via mass cards and emails.   I was over overwhelmed by your kindness. 

I know it was difficult for most of you to have traveled such a long way.  However you all being present meant a lot to me and my family.

Pat and I have always been proud to be a part of our class.  You all have had a special place in our hearts  and I will continue to cherish these memories.

A special thank you for the beautiful bouquet of flowers that was sent from the class and those who donated to the Holy Redeemer Hospice.


Carl Angioli (Ang)

Pat's obituary page


From:  Bruce Ainsworth

To: Bob Stokstad

Date:  May 31, 2014

Subject:  How I got that extra yearbook.

(In response to a question about how he happened to have an extra, and unmarked, yearbook, Bruce replied:)



Actually, rather than my foresight, you can thank my Grandmother, Mrs. Olive Munkelt (also Rick's Grandmother).  Sadly, both are deceased.  But, let me tell you a story........


Way back, sometime in 1958, an announcement was made that we could place our orders for the Pirate Yearbook, which we all did.  My Grandmother somehow found out about this and requested that I order a copy for her - which I did.  I never asked her why she wanted it - I just assumed it was because she had two grandchildren graduating.  Later on I delivered the yearbook to her and forgot about it.


Years passed, and so did my Grandmother.  Gram's things went to my Mother, Alberta (whom I believe you remember from church).  Years later I asked my Mother about the yearbook, but she had no knowledge of it (Ma was a pack rat and didn't know about half the stuff she had stored away).


Anyway, a couple of years ago, Mom passed.  And my sister, Marcy, took on the chore of dispensing all Ma's goodies.  She came across the yearbook and, of course, sent it on to me.  Interestingly, I had played with the idea of scanning (on my own personal printer/scanner) the yearbook and sending to you or Shaffer to put on the site.  However, I didn't like the results - so that idea went on the back burner.  Then I received your note.....


As for me giving the yearbook to you, well, that was a no-brainer.  Why should I have two copies - and you none?






From: Barbara Parente

To: Bob Stokstad

Date:  May 31, 2014

Subject:  Breakfast for Barbara









From: Dave Stolte

To: Bob Stokstad

Subject:  Pete Wozniak

Date: May, 2014

Hi Bob,

Sal's mom passed away recently at 101 years old. When Sal was going through her things he found this newspaper article laminated in plastic. I thought it might be of some interest to people.



From:  Gene Cooper

To:  Bob Stokstad

Date: October 23, 2012

Subject:  50's Decade Reunion

Hi Bob, I trust all is well with Julie and you. Well, we're back at it again. Our reunion committee met on Thursday, October 18 to start up our planning for our 55th reunion. The 2013 reunion, though, comes with a big twist. We are extending invitations to Pearl River classes from 1950 to 1960. We are calling it "The 50's Decade Reunion". Tom has found that other classes are interested in gathering with us for this event.

Class representatives from the other years will be joining us in our planning meetings over these next several months and will be communicating with their class members about the event. I drafted an initial letter - see attached - that we will be sending out to our class members.  We are asking that the letter be added to our web site as the initial announcement of the event. Perhaps you can email it out to the class emails that you have as well.  Tom, as usual, will be taking the lead on all of this and is calling together the representatives from the other classes.

Let me know if you need anything else from me at this time. Tom though, will be in contact with you for the ongoing planning.

My bet is that you're as excited as we are in getting this event going and having it become a big success.

Best regards,



From:  Tom O'Brien

To:  Class

Date:  September 7, 2012

Subject:  Reunion

We had our first formal meeting this Wednesday. Dave reserved Kruckers Lakeside for Sept. 7 and will be our liaison with Kruckers. Barbara Parente and Elaine Beiderman will check out hotels for the best arrangements for those traveling and will handle publicity. Peggy will be reunion coordinator updating our class contact information and compiling lists of those attending from our class and all others. Gene is drafting a letter to be sent all classes informing them of the reunion and working on program planning.


P.S. Mel Leiberman sold Mel's Army Navy after 57 years.


From: George Brennan

To:  Bob Stokstad

Date: September 2, 2012

Subject:  Bob Brennan passed away today.

Hi Bob, Just wanted to let you know that my brother Bob passed away this evening. We had been expecting it for a while now. I went to see him last weekend and he seemed alert but you could tell he was in pain.

Marcy said that they put him in hospice house earlier today and he passed around 10 PM. Services will be in Savannah, Georgia where they live.


Hope all is well with your family


George Brennan

From: Dick Schaab's daughter, Jane Anne

To: Class of 1958

Date:  July 23, 2012

Subject:  Thank you card


From: Tom O'brien

To: Classmates

Date: June 21, 2012

Eileen Wozniak mailed a thank you card to the class of 58. In it she said the following:


To the Clas of 1958,


Thank you for all the love and support for Peter during his three month battle with cancer.


Peter just loved the class of 58 and you showed that you loved him.


Thank you for all the cards, mass cards, calls, and beautiful flowers.


I shall never forget your kindness.



Pete Wozniak Has Passed Away

From: Tom O'Brien

To: Classmates

Date: June 4, 2012

I was with Pete today when he passed away at 12:55. Things moved very quickly over the past 3 days. On Saturday, Sandy and I had a good visit and conversation with him and Eileen at the Hospice residence. On Sunday there was quite a change as he was considerably weaker. Today I went to bring him a radio and the nurse and social worker were with him, comforting him. I was stunned that things moved so quickly.  I know that the support that he received from our class meant the world to him. The social worker commented about how much he loved Pearl River and his classmates. I will send information regarding the arrangements when they are finalized.




e-mails from Tom O'Brien about Dick Schaab

April 20,2012

The wake for Dick will be held at the Dorsey Funeral Home Sunday from 4:00 to 8:00. The address is: 14 Emwilton Pl. Ossining NY 10562. The funeral will be 10:00 Monday at St. Augustines Church in Ossining. The obituary is in the Journal News and can be seen on line at: thejournalnews.com.  Look for the Rockland section. The is also a nice article in there about him.


The obituary asks for donations to the American Cancer Society. As a class we will make a donation as well as send flowers from our class fund. Anyone wishing to make a small  donation to the fund can send a check to Pete Wozniak ( I just spoke to him and he feels a little better and is anxious to be involved - keep praying for him). We don't need a lot - just a little replenishment.


Pete Wozniak

901 Sierra Vista La

Valley Cottage NY 10989



April 19, 2012

Sadly when we arrived home late last night, there was a message from Bill Moran informing me that Dick passed away yesterday afternoon. At this time there are no further details. Dick was very grateful for the support that he received from his classmates. He received many cards and calls and I kept him apprised of the e-mails that I received, the thoughts and prayers offered and how loved and admired he was. He referred to everyone as his dearest classmates.



From: Gene Cooper

Sent: 2/15/12

Subject:  Nanuet Hotel gathering

Here are several photos taken at a recent gathering of some of the class "locals". Tom got us together for a pizza social, as we do from time to time. Those in attendance: Tom and Sandy O'Brien, Peggy Soderberg, Pete and Eileen Wozniak, Bev Raebuck Hodge, Gene Cooper, Barbara and Bob Schweizer and Leo and Elaine Biederman (class of"57). As usual, great time had by all. Believe it or not, the subject of starting up once again our reunion committee in the summer sometime to begin planning for our 55th reunion in 2013!!  No comment on how rapidly the years are passing by!


From: Peg (Ingafu) and Bob Leo

Sent: 1/12/12

Subject: Blessings and Holiday Greetings


From: Stephanie (Demchuk) Dunne,   via Dave Stolte

Sent: 1/11/12

Subject:  Thanks for your card.

Hi all,


I just received a note from Stephanie. It reads as follows:


I want to thank you for your Christmas card. It was nice of you to remember me. I am always glad to hear from everyone back home but no one ever writes to me. Please say hello to everyone for me hope they are all fine. Hope your holidays were good mine were okay busy as always.


How is the weather there it is real nice here. Let me know if you get this note sure would like to hear from you.


Happy Healthy New Year




If anyone would like to drop her a line I'm sure she would appreciate it.


Stephanie Dunne

90 S Catherine Dr.

Daleville, AL 36322


Dave Stolte


From: Bob Stokstad

Sent: 12/30/11

Subject:  Season's Greetings

Hoping you had a Happy Holiday and wishing you all a Happy New Year,

Bob and Julie    http://www.jstokstad.com/Christmas_2011


From: Dave Stolte

Sent: 10/27/11

Subject:  Nostalgia Video

Memories of WPIX            NY 


From: Tom O'Brien

Sent: 10/5/11

Subject: Spring Cruise

The response to the first proposed cruise indicated there was a preference to depart from the New York area. Therefore Elizabeth has put together another cruise package for consideration.


Anyone interested please contact Elizabeth (elizabeth412@verizon.net ). Also if anyone is aware of others who are not classmates but would like to join those who are going, they would also be welcome.




From: Al and Carol Fischbein

Sent:  8/8/11

Subject: Return from Trip (Scandinavia)

Hi all - We just returned from our trip to Scandinavia and it (the return trip) was exciting. Our flight from Heathrow was delayed 1 hour because the flight crew was late. They finally strolled in drinking flavored coffees, like what is the big rush. The problem is that we had less than a 2 hour layover in Atlanta. After arriving late in Atlanta and getting through customs we got on the tram to go from terminal E to terminal A, and the tram decided to stop working. So we literally ran from terminal E to A, getting to our gate 10 minutes before scheduled departure. They hadn't closed the gate so we were able to make our flight, but of course our luggage didn't. Anyway we are home and enclosed are a few pictures from our trip.  


The first picture is from Stavanger, Norway, (2) is a Fijord close to Flam, Norway, (3) Bergen, Norway, (4) Skagen, Denmark with friends we met and (5) Frogner Garden  Oslo with friends from our ship.

Al and Carol








From: Tom O'Brien,  tobref@aol.com

To: many classmates

Sent:  2/18/2011

Subject:  White Sportcoat and Pink Carnation - 50's nostalgia video.

Thought this should be shared with everyone. Sandy and I, by accident, were in Clear Lake and went the site of the crash which was still a cornfield.






From: hegroth@delhitel.net

To: peggy_soderberg@prenhall.com, DCStolte@aol.com

Sent: 1/25/2011 6:18:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

Subj: Tim Grant

Just heard that Tim Grant passed away today. He was in Nyack Hospital and went into cardiac arrest. The last time I saw Tim was at the class reunion this year.



Memorial Service for Tony Salvadore

From: Tobref@aol.com

Sent: Wednesday, Jan 12, 2011

Subject: Memorial Service and Tree Planting.

Our class reunion committee has met and organized a memorial service in memory of Tony Salvadore and arranged to have a tree planted on the grounds or our old school in memory of our deceased classmates. The date for this will be May 14. Following the service and dedication of the tree we will gather for a luncheon.

This is just a notice about the plans to date. We realize that many who receive this notice are far away and may not be able to attend but felt that all should know of our plans. We are open to suggestions / ideas regarding both of these events.

Please let me know if there are others you feel we should inform of our plans. ( We have informed Tony's family ). As we get closer to the date we will need to know who is planning to attend to be sure that we have adaquate room for those attending and to give an accurate count to the restaurant.

I will send further updates as we move forward.

Tom O'Brien


From: Richard Schaab <richard.schaab@yahoo.com>

To: TOBref <TOBref@aol.com>; gcooper82 <gcooper82@rcn.com>

Sent: Wed, Dec 15, 2010 10:47 am

Subject: Memorial Service

Hi Tom and Gene:

Thanks to a big assist from Barbara and Bob Schweizer, I'm pleased to confirm that the Memorial Service for our dear classmate, Tony Salvadore, will be held at 10 am, Saturday, May 14, 2011 at St. Margaret's Parish Center Chapel in Pearl River. I spoke with the Parish Secretary this morning and the date/time for our use of the Parish Chapel has been confirmed. I gave the secretary my name/telephone number as the contact person.


As we discussed at our planning meeting, the chapel has about 40 seats. With standing room, we can probably accommodate 50 or so. Hopefully that will be sufficient.


Tom, please notify our planning committee of the date/time/location  of the Memorial Service. Perhaps we could advise Bob Stokstad  as well so he could post the information on our class website.  I look forward to being with both of you at our next planning committee meeting. I am not available on Thursday, January 13 - the rest of the month is pretty much wide open as of now.


Enjoy the holidays with your family.






Sent:  August 4, 2010 by Gene Cooper

Subj:  TOB and me, on bikes.

Hi Bob,

I too, will miss the reunion. Have a family gathering scheduled for the same weekend.  Separate from that, I was going to send you a new note for the web site but did not have a photo.  This past Sunday, Aug. 1, Tom O' Brien and I did a bike ride around the lower end of Manhattan. Tom occasionally comes in with his wife Sandy for biking in Manhattan. Sandy didn't join us this time but Tom and I started at 20th street by the East River (near my home) and rode down to lower Manhattan around the tip of Manhattan and came up the west side by the Hudson River to 20th street and crossed over back to the east side. I'd say we covered about 5+ miles or so. Fun time and Tom was a great tour leader even though I'm the one living in the City. I'm relatively new to bike riding so he took charge! Bob Schweizer was going to join us but he couldn't make it. We'll try for another time. Can you imagine a photo of Tom, Bob and me on our bikes!! Unfortunately, neither Tom nor I had a camera with us for any photo of the two of us and the lower Manhattan skyline. Have a great trip this September and my best regards to Julie.



Sent: August 4, 2010 by Petty (Ingafu) Leo

To: Bob Stokstad

Subject: Reunion, Retirement, Anniversary

Bob and I aren't going to the reunion either, unfortunately. 

We just returned from a Scandanavian cruise via Switzerland and from a week in SC.

We celebrated our 48th anniv and my retirement.


I am returning part-time to teach music 3 days a week this school year.

Plus volunteering (don't know where yet- church, hospital, etc.)


Enjoy that motorcycle trip. Sounds wonderful.


Take care,

Peggy Ingafu Leo 


Sent: 3/5/2010 9:28:16 A.M. EST by Dave Stolte

Subj: Fw: article about Pearl River

This is from Dr. Brockman.


Subject: Fw: article about Pearl River

To All my PR contacts.  Went to a gathering of Pearl River Class of '60 yesterday and Rusty Landgren told me of this article and then sent it to me. If you haven't seen it yet,  you may be astounded by what you read.  But I am glad to see that the schools are more than holding their own and doing a fine job.  And real estate values are a little different when we were there in the 50's.  Hope you are all well .  Fred Brockmann

Here it is folks, the link to the New York Times article about our  little town of Pearl River.



From Tom and Sandy O'Brien

January 31, 2010

concerning Bob Brennan '57 

-----Original Message-----

From: sandraleeob@verizon.net

To: tobref@aol.com

Sent: Sat, Jan 30, 2010 5:04 pm

Jan 28, 2010 01:54:16 PM, rofsobc@covad.net wrote:

    From: Terry [mailto:atgn@earthlink.net]

    Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 8:50 AM

    To: Rosemarie Lobretto

    Subject:  Update Linda Lobretto Mc Manus

 Please add my brother-in-law Bob Brennan to your list.  He was recently diagnosed with mesothelioma and has had surgery at the University of Pittsburgh.  He and Marcy live in Savannah but came to a renowned surgeon and hospital.  Marcy is living in a studio appartmet for the month while Bob recovers from the surgery, and waits for his plan of care.  It is a very difficult situation for them to deal with the diagnsis, and be so far from family.  Three of their kids are in Washington DC and the other is in Texas.  All have flown in--and back home and are trying to figure out how to be supportive.  Bud and I are waiting for the plan and will then go to either Pittsburgh or Savannah--depending on what works for them.  



From Lee Shaffer and from Tom O'Brien

August 31, 2009

Planning for joint reunion in September 2010

From Lee:

PRHS Pirates, Class of '58 -

Tom O'Brien and Barbara Parente are coordinating our Class joining the PRHS Class of 1955 for a Joint Reunion they plan to host for the weekend beginning, Thursday, September 9, 2010.  I've been asked to forward the following request to all of our classmates for which I have email addresses.  If you are interested in attending this reunion next year, please so indicate with an email response to Tom O'Brien per his request.  His e-mail address follows below and can be clicked on to initiate an email to him:   TOBref@aol.com 

Tom and Barbara are to represent our class at a planning meeting this October.  The '55 Class Planning Committee estimates about 200 might attend from the six (6) classes involved, and they want to plan accordingly.  Your response to Tom before that timeframe would be appreciated.  Here's a copy of the note Tom sent to me requesting this information:      Lee would it be possible for you to send this to our classmates for whom you have e-mail addresses?    


From Tom:

 The PRHS class of 1955 is planning a reunion for the weekend of September 10, 2010.  They have extended the invitation to other classes including ours.  Barbara Parente and I are acting as liaisons to the committee.  To date the classes include 1953,  '54, '55, '56, '57, and '58.  They are planning a weekend of activities including Kruckers on Saturday, September 11, 2010.  At this time a questionnaire is being developed to ascertain interests in particular activities.  Anyone with a potential interest in attending can let me know, and I will see that they receive the questionnaire.  Lee Shaffer has agreed to help us with forwarding the questionnaire to those interested. 

    My e-mail address is:   TOBref@aol.com 

    Looking forward to hearing from each of you,

     - Tom O'Brien

From Lee:

Please note that our Class Reunion Committee would like each of you to help us collect and correct the addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for all our classmates.  Included in this email is an attachment that lists the latest information we have on each of our classmates.  Please review this listing and let me know by return email of any changes or additional info concerning your own personal data and/or that of any of our classmates.  Note that this listing is based on the latest info we had for our 50th reunion, and we expect that there have been changes in addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses.  Your help in helping to provide updates is appreciated.

Click on the Attached File Below at the end of this email to see the class contact data. 

Hope You are All Well,

Lee Shaffer

  ------Original Message------

From:  O'Brien, Tom & Sandy

To:  Shaffer, Lee & Sue

Subject:  Class of 55 reunion

Sent:  Aug 22, 2009 7:36 PM 

Lee would it be possible for you to send this to our classmates for whom you have e-mail addresses?

The PRHS class of 1955 is planning a reunion for the weekend of Sept. 10, 2010.  They have extended the invitation to other classes including ours.  Barbara Parente and I are acting as liaisons to the committee.  To date the classes include 1953,  '54, '55, '56, '57, and '58.  They are planning a weekend of activities including Kruckers on Saturday, September 11, 2010.  At this time a questionnaire is being developed to ascertain interests in particular activities.  Anyone with a potential interest in attending can let me know, and I will see that they receive the questionnaire.  Lee Shaffer has agreed to help us with forwarding the questionnaire to those interested. 

My e-mail address is:   TOBref@aol.com 

Looking forward to hearing from each of you,

 - Tom O'Brien

Attached pdf File Name:  PRHS 1958 Class Roster - vs 1-05 - 2009-08-30.pdf




From Deedee deRoode

May 18, 2009

Yesterday's Brunch

Did you know about our brunch yesterday?  I don't know if Tommy told you, but he planned a reunion brunch at West Point's Thayer Hotel.  I'd never been to West Point -- hard to believe, isn't it, when you consider how long I lived in Rockland County! -- and he and Sandy took me on a tour after the brunch.  What a fortress!  and the whole complex is huge!!  Even the newer buildings have been built in similar stone and style.  He took us down to the South Dock and around that area, and to the Eisenhower Concert Hall, and then to the cemetery.  I know I must have read somewhere that Custer was buried there but the whole area was most impressive.


About 19 of us were able to make the brunch.  Wish you all were closer.  I love "field trips" and this one was a perfect field trip for lots of people to reach and be able to move around and chat.


Hope you are well.



Deedee deRoode

Field Operations Administrative Services

Iroquois Pipeline Operating Company

One Corporate Drive, Suite 600

Shelton, CT 06484

(203) 925-7278 - Phone

(203) 925-7213 - Fax


From Peg (Ingafu) and Bob Leo

Greetings from the desert.

HI EVERYONE,                                                                           MARCH 9TH,  














From: Gene Cooper

Date:  January 14, 2009

Visit with Al and Carol Fischbein

Hi Bob, Hope all is well with Julie and you. Thought you might like to add this photo to the web site. On our way to Sanibel, Fl., Abbie and I stopped off at Longboat Key to visit with Al and Carol Fischbein for two days (Jan. 4-6). Great time. Al and Carol packed in a lot of stuff - aquarium, beach, museum (Abbie and Carol), tennis and softball in Al's senior league, good food and conversation. All this done with Al managing a heavy cold. Carried around a box of tissues wherever he went. Playing softball Al batted with box of tissues in hand. He hit a double that would have been a triple but he had to stop between 1st and 2nd to blow his nose. I hit dribbles to the infield. Couldn't get used to hitting with those newfangled metal bats. (Of course, just kidding about our hitting experiences). It was a great visit and Al and Carol were gracious throughout our stay. My guess is Al has recovered from his cold (at least I hope so Al) and he is now hitting triples.

Happy New year to Julie and you and to all of our dear classmates. Gene

click  image to enlarge

From: Tom O'Brien,  tobref@aol.com

To: many classmates

Sent:  4/14/2011

Subject:  Memorial Celebration and Tree Dedication  (Tony Salvadore)

We have finalized plans for May 14. The memorial celebration will take place at the Pearl River Library at 10:30. Immediately following we will walk over to the site of our high school for the tree dedication in memory of our deceased classmates. We are very pleased with the response that we have received to date. In addition to classmates, Tony's wife Nancy, his children, his sisters and brothers, as well as friends will be attending. Family members of several of our deceased classmates will also attend the dedication of the tree.


Following the ceremonies we will enjoy lunch at Banchetto's in the Nanuet Mall.


We ask that those planning to attend please in form Peggy Sodreberg ( if you haven't already done so ) so we can arrange for the proper set up of the library and restaurant. Her e-mail address is: peggysoderberg40@yahoo.com.


 Tom O'Brien






From:  Bob Stokstad

Date: December 31, 2008

Happy New Year! 

Bob and Julie


From: Peggy Soderberg

Date: December 23





From: Peggy (Ingafu) and Bob Leo

Date: December 20, 2008

Holiday Greetings from the Desert.

Bob and I want to wish everyone of you and your families a Merry Christmas/ Happy Hannukah and a healthy and wonderful New Year.

I feel truly blessed to be part of such a special class.

Peg and Bob Leo


From: Dick Schaab

December 17, 2008


Peggy Ingafu Leo had successful knee surgery on Monday. She must remain at home for the next month with physical therapy several times a week. I'm sure Peggy would enjoy hearing from you as she is pretty much confined to her home. Many thanks and Merry Christmas/Happy Holiday.Peggy's email is pegleo@aol.com and her mailing address is 73620 C, Golf Course Lane, Palm Desert, CA 92260.




From: Gail Katt Scales

December 17, 2008

Dear Classmates,


I wish you a beautiful holiday season filled with joy, peace and good health for you and your families and a very Happy New Year.


Merry Christmas,

Gail Katt Scales


From: Anne and Harry

Date: December 17, 2008

Greetings from St. Croix!  Harry and I want to wish everyone from the Class of '58

Seasons Greetings, for a Healthy and Happy Holiday. 


Anne and Harry Silverman


From: Tom and Sandy

Date: December 15, 2008

Sandy and I want to wish all a very Merry Christmas / Happy Hanukah and best wishes for the New Year . It's wonderful to be part of such a special and caring group -- the Class of 58 . Let's all stay in touch .

Tom and Sandy O'Brien


From:  Bob and Julie Stokstad

Date: December 9, 2008

We wish you all a Merry Holiday Season.  Hopefully this will be a time when families can come together, enjoy each other's company and remember those no longer with us.   We're luck in that our three sons,  daughter-in-law, and our granddaughter Erika will be in Berkeley for Christmas.   Julie has resigned from her congregation and so won't have to work so hard over the holidays.  We're looking forward to staying home. 


Bob and Julie

ps. Here's a picture of Erika, who is now two and a half, and who likes to choose what to wear.  Photo



From: Peggy Ingafu Leo

Date: Sept. 22, 2008

WOW!       What a weekend!     A lifetime experience!

It was super seeing you all after many years and sharing memories from our youth.

I want to thank Dick for all of the time and effort he put into the Memorial Service

for our deceased classmates.  I was very touched.

And another huge thank you to the reunion committee for all their hard work and Bob S. for that awsome website.

Bob and I look forward to the next reunion.



From: Dave and Connie Williams

Date: 9/22/08

First of all, let me offer our heartfelt thanks to the reunion committee for the wonderful job. Connie and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I have described our reunion to a lot of people and all of them commented that they wished that they had a class that was that close and a reunion that was that good. We are indeed fortunate. From what we saw on Friday, the people of Pearl River are also very fortunate with the "new" high school and the staff. Tom O'Brien had a good idea for us to visit it. Thanks and kudos to Bob Stokstad for our web site and all the pictures. Thanks also to Lee "Butch" Shaffer for the database and the video of his dad as a NY Giants football star. I remember the welding shop well.  And a special thanks to all of you who attended the reunion. Thanks for all the memories recalled and all the warmth shared. We look forward to the next reunion.


Connie and I are also very grateful for all the "Hope you are OK." messages concerning the damages to our home in Texas from Hurricane Ike.  For those who might have missed it, we did very well compared to what happened elsewhere in Pearland and in Galveston. A few leaks and some down trees were all we had. Power has been restored and we are currently and finally on our way home. I took a bunch of pictures from the reunion and will send them to Bob for the web site once I get home.

Thanks again,

Dave & Connie Williams

Pearland, TX


From: Joan Lobdell Petrie

Date: 9/18/08

     It was wonderful to see you and the rest of our classmates.  I think everyone seems to be happy in their  golden years (sometimes it seems more like tarnished brass).  I'll be looking forward to our next reunion.    I was looking over the roster and discovered my info is incorrect - Email is joanpetrie@bellsouth.net  and the phone should be 561-483-1171.  Hopefully this is the worst problem I'll have this year.


From:  Dick Schaab

To:  Organizing Commitee



THANK YOU seems hardly adequate to express my total appreciation for all your hard work and organizational skills in planning such a memorable

50th class reunion. I had a wonderful weekend visiting with so many of my very dear classmates from as far away as California and Texas and as close as Crooked Hill Road and East Washington Avenue in good old Pearl River. Your many hours of planning and preparation this past year certainly paid handsome dividends toward the reunion's success. Just coming together again made the entire reunion experience very special indeed. I am proud to  be a member of the Class of 1958 and shall always treasure the friendships of my classmates. BRAVO to the entire Reunion Committee.  You are the best!!


Dick Schaab   



 From: sdeturris105@comcast.net [mailto:sdeturris105@comcast.net]

Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 3:49 PM

To: Soderberg, Peggy

Subject: We Had A Great Time !!!!

Hi Peggy,

We just wanted to pass along some comments on the reunion.

First of all we wanted to thank the reunion committee for all their hard work and their commitment to making this reunion so successful.  Secondly we want to thank everyone who attended and made this such a great event.  Three days of getting together and sharing good times and memories with old friends and classmates, some of which we had not seen in many years, was just so much fun.

We can sum the reunion up in a few simple words.  It was like family!  We miss you all already.


Sal and Doreen DeTurris



Post- Reunion Mail


Sept 5-7, 2008 the REUNION


Pre-Reunion Mail


My camel was your camel?

(how classmates reconnect)

e-mail exchange between Dave Stolte and Dick Borst,   July 8-10, 2008

From: DCStolte@aol.com

Date: 7/8/2008 12:08:37 PM

To: dickborst4@Hughes.net

Subject: Pearl River Reunion

  Hi Dick,

  I don't know if you remember me. I just read your bio/update and found it very interesting. Trudy and I just returned from Egypt a month ago. We had an enjoyable trip and we're anxious to talk to you at the reunion. If you look at my bio I'm sure you'll recognize some of the pictures.

  Dave Stolte


From: dickborst4@hughes.netTo: DCStolte@aol.com

Sent: 7/8/2008 3:53:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time

Subj: Re: Pearl River Reunion


Hi Dave,

Good to hear from you.

I read your bio and notice the camel looked like the one we rode, but then I guess all camels look alike.  We gave up skiing;  because we were too cold and went into scuba diving.  Which explains our moving to St Croix which is always above 70 degrees F.

 At this time we are not planning on going to the reunion, as September is our Hurricane watch month.

 Dick Borst


I'd Rather be Fishing 


Hi Bob,


Here is the photo of Sal and I out fishing last weekend. I took it with my cell phone. Let me know if it works okay for the web site and I'll take a few more. I'll try to get one with Lenny this weekend.




PS We caught 8 blue fish.




John and Nancy Bristow coming to the Reunion. 

e-mail from Dave Stolte to the Reunion Committee about John and Nancy Bristow on May 15, 2008

Hi all,

  I just spoke to our former teacher John Bristow. He and his wife Nancy (Corbet) are doing well and would be interested in coming to our reunion. John taught history and Nancy taught algebra and geometry. They are familiar with Krucker's because they were both active members of the Ramapo Mountain Ski Club for many years. In fact, John is a past president.  

  I told him we would mail them the information. Peggy, could you or one of your committee take care of that? I would think that just the Krucker's flyer would be sufficient. Their address is:

John and Nancy Bristow

76 Oweno Road

Mahwah, NJ 07430

  If anyone would like to talk to them their phone number is: 201-529-3136


Dave S.


But who's this "Butch" guy? 

e-mail  exchange  between Al Fischbein and  Lee Shaffer on 05/21/08 

Al -


Good hearing from you - and look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.  But - who is this Butch guy?  I did go to the 10th & the 25th reunions, and then somehow was not contacted for recent ones.  Peggy Soderberg tracked me down via Internet research, and I got a call "out of the blue" from Pete Wozniak last Tuesday - and then volunteered to update the Class Roster.


Thanks for validating your info - my spreadsheet will now show your info as being validated.


- Lee

-----Original Message-----

From: Al Fischbein [mailto:lbkal.fl@netzero.net]

Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 1:31 PM

To: Lee.Shaffer@suddenlink.net

Subject: Re: The 50th Reunion - Updating the Class Contact Roster for Every Classmate of the Pearl River High School Class of 1958 - PRHS Pirates

Hi Butch - All the info on me is correct. Where the hell have you been? I think the last I heard about you was that you were going to 'Ole Miss'. How did we get so many Alums? There were 66 members in our senior class (not including you, who was trying to make it with all those 'brains' at Loomis). If I remember right, you told me that you were about the only one not going to an 'Ivy' or private school. Looking foward to seeing you at the reunion. Al

Al & Carol Fischbein

4320 Falmouth Drive


Longboat Key, Fl 34228

(941) 383-341


Here's a nice e-mail exchange between Lee Shaffer in North Carolina, and Peggy Soderberg

Wednesday, May 14,  7:25 am

From: Lee Shaffer    Lee.Shaffer@suddenlink.net

To: Peggy Soderberg 

Peggy -

Don't know how you found our NC address - we've been here for a little over three years now - but I'm glad you did.  I told Pete W. that I have received some 50th reunion invites to Loomis (Windsor, CONN - where I graduated in 1958) for this June, but I wasn't planning to attend.  And I told him that I was wondering if anyone was planning a PRHS 50th - but didn't have anyone's contact info and didn't know where anyone lived.

Hope you are well.  Look forward to seeing everyone. 

- Lee

My contact Info FYI -

Lee Shaffer

 -  252-946-0027 home

 -  252-623-9098 cell


        203 Pamlico Lane

        Chocowinity,  NC 27817

-----Original Message-----

From: Soderberg, Peggy [mailto:peggy.soderberg@pearson.com]

Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 9:14 AM

To: Lee Shaffer

Subject: RE: Great to hear you're coming to the reunion]

Hi Lee:

I am so glad I found your address and that you and your wife are coming

to the reunion.  I am mailing the letter to you today.  The list of

classmates is very messy as it is being corrected as needed.  You will

get a nice new one at the reunion.  If there is someone you are looking

for, let me know and I will send you the address and phone number if I

have them.  Again, we are so glad to are coming to the reunion.

Thank You



Irene Wolt will motor-home it to the reunion 

Click here for Snail Mail from Irene Wolt Syson



Al Fischbein's coming to the reunion 

Subject: Re: Reunion

From: "Al Fischbein" <lbkal.fl@netzero.net>

Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 21:49:16 GMT

To: gcooper82@rcn.com

Hi Gene - I will definitely bring my tennis racket and lots of excuses. Carol and I have been doing alot of traveling recently. This past year we have been to Greece and Turkey, Sicily, Mexico and Beleize, and just got back from a trip around South America, starting in Argentina and ending in Chile. We are going to Israel and Jordan right after the reunion. I'm still playing softball and a little golf (on executive courses only). Attached is a picture of Carol and I in Greece. I'll have to look through my pics and see if I can find a good family picture to send, The problem is with our grandchildren growing so fast the pictures are all obsolete. Al

Al & Carol Fischbein

4320 Falmouth Drive


Longboat Key, Fl 34228

(941) 383-3412


News from Pete Gisler 


From: Peter Gisler <petegis@mac.com>

Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 16:48:28 -0500

To: Gene Cooper <gcooper82@RCN.com>

CC: Peggy soderberg <peggy_soderberg@prenhall.com>

Gene & Peggy,

Glad to see you to right on top of things , just I soccer gene I havn't seen you in years. I am going to send you a picture of my grandson first year of soccer this year . I moved to Delaware just over a year ago , had enough of Bergen County and high rent . It's great for cycling , I am going to hit 10,000 miles this year ( THATS TRUE). I am attaching a few other things I have been doing: running hikes and still involed with garden st. ski club . I did see Bev Raebuck off and on while I was still in Jersey; when you get to gether again tell her to bring her s.b. glove and Albie Fishbine and us can have another s.b. game. It's hard with 3 but maybe we can get more out this time. If either of you get down this way, I'm 10 miles from Lewes & Rehoboth , De.  Please call and come by and I have plenty of room for you to stay.   So try the Delaware shore please.


Thats all for now , can't wait to see everyone.

Pete Gisler

I just published an update to my website. Take a look!

