
Reunion book


Reunion Book - Updates?  We're planning a book (like the 45th reunion book).  You can still send in your bio-update and have it included in the book. And we'd love to include it.

If you couldn't be at the reunion, it's especially important to have your update. 

Please e-mail updates to Bob S.

Comments, thoughts on the Reunion?  e-mail them to anyone on the Reunion Committee.  We'll put them on the web, in the Pirates' Inbox.

Sharing Photos? If you've got a bunch (and who hasn't?) that you'd like to share,

1. upload them to your favorite photo-sharing server and send me the link.  I'll put the link on our website, so everyone will have access.


2. order a CD at the same time you make prints of your digital or film photos. You can mail the CD to me and I'll upload the photos for you.


3. put selected photos in an e-mail (be careful it doesn't get too big) and send that to me.  I'll upload the photos to a photo-sharing site for you. 

Suggestion:  I'm using the Google photo-sharing site, Picasa.  If you upload photos to Picasa, it's easy to share albums, and make prints (and you get a choice of print providers).

Have a look - the group photos and other albums are at:


Note: photos residing on our class website on googlepages have to be uploaded one at a time.  That's one of the reasons we're using these photo-hosting websites.  The other reason is limited disk space on googlepages.