
Huff's Ice Cream Parlor 

mini-reunion on November 11th, 2007            

   Peg (Ingafu) and her husband Bob flew in from Ca. for a family wedding in N.J. Nov. 10th and were able to connect with some of the Kindergarteners of the class of '58 and others in our graduating class. Thanks to organizer Tom O'Brien they met at the nostalgic Huff's Ice Cream Parlor (now Eleni's) in Montvale for Sunday brunch.

   Peg (I) brought a scrapbook containing original honor roll lists from grade 1, photos from elementary school field trips, and newspaper articles from our senior trip and Ted Steele's bandstand trip, etc.  Gail also brought classroom photos to share. Everyone had a fun time remembering those days.

   Those in attendance were: Tom and Sandy O'Brien, Anne and Harry Silverman, Dick Schaab, Peg Soderberg, Gail Katt Scales, Barb and Bob Schweitzer, Dave and Trudy Stolte, Dee Dee deRoode, Leo and Elaine Bierderman ('57), Beverely Raebuck Hodge and  Barbara (Hopko) and Joe Parente.   (Photos below are by Anne and Harry.)

 "My husband Bob is in the gray shirt to the left of me and Harry," writes Peggy, who kindly provided captions for those of us lacking total recall.



 Tom O'Briens wife, Sandy.

 Peggy Soderberg, me, Bev, Anne, Gail, and Barbara Schweitzer. In the back is Tom and DeeDee deRoode.


That's Dick Schaab standing in back of me. 


Leo Biederman and his wife  Elaine came since Leo was my neighborhood friend forever.

She is here, along with Bob Schweitzer, Barbara's husband.