Who is Reading My Book?


Gene Cooper has something for us, or rather for us to read to our grandchildren, or to any body's grandkid.  Here's the story:

March 26, 2014, Gene writes:

Abbie and I were having dinner with Dave and Trudy Stolte last night and the topic of The Book came up.  [The Book?  It's the book Gene has written and illustrated!]  It was agreed to send a copy to the PRHS Class of '58 website.

I just had the book self-published and it has gotten a nice reception.  I had only 100 books printed up and have only about 20 left.  I sold the book to child development centers, pre-schools and children's stores.  And it has only been three weeks. I plan to print up 300 more and hope to soon get it on Amazon.

I had the idea for the book three years ago.  Made a mock-up and put it away for two years.  Over 2013 I started to take a crack at the illustrations, and Lo and Behold, the book emerged.  As noted on the back cover, I had some early-on drawing skills.

Hope you enjoy it and perhaps give it to one of your grandchildren.

Best Regards,




Here's how this lovely children's book looks.  Click on any image to see a larger version.

cover                                                         back cover  (about the author)


sample pages


sample pages


last two pages                                             **

**The  last page has a mirror.  A scanner can't scan a mirror (think about that!) so I inserted the image that Julie's and my grandson, Liam Stokstad, will see when we read Gene's book to him.

e-mail Gene to find out more, and how you can get a copy.


(added 5/23/14)

Gramma Julie reads to Elsa (4) and Liam (1.5)

Here's a real exciting part


Elsa says, "Cool."  Liam says, "Ergh, blatt, phfft" which translates to "Blockbuster!"