


Married to: Christine Murach (My Traveling Buddy for the last 28 years)


306 Prospect Hill

Frederiksted, St Croix

US Virgin Islands 00840-3652


Telephone:  340-778-6392

Email:  dickborst4@Hughes.net


Left Pearl River at the completion of Seventh Grade.

Graduated Hackettstown High school 1958

Bachelors at the University of Cincinnati,

Post Graduate certificate in International Economics, University of Oslo, Norway;

Masters from London School of Economics.

Army - Captain in Field Artillery


My wandering days began as a child and I have yet to outgrow them.  Throughout my business career and personal life travel has always been in the forefront.

I have lived in seven states and one territory, some more than once, and enjoyed extended stays in many countries throughout Europe.


My career was in designing and writing computer systems for financial accounting and securities trading.  This kept us grounded in Lower Manhattan, but afforded many travel/work opportunities throughout the US and the eastern block countries, as they emerged from the socialistic regime.  Moscow was an interesting experience as it was just opening up to capitalism.  Training was needed  in capitalism, honest trading practices  and systems to ensure control of the instruments.  Bosnia and Herzegovina was another experience as we shared Sarajevo with the UN peacekeeping force.  As none of the factions trusted one another all systems had to be installed independently  for the Serbs, Bosnians and Muslims.


Seeing the World Trade Center going up and down was enough for one life time so in 2002 I decided retirement from lower Manhattan was a good idea.


Best travel experience:  We took a four month around the world cruise on the QE II.

Last trip was to Egypt and Jordan.  In Egypt we were able to climb through the Grand Gallery of the Cheops Pyramid and visited Petra and the Dead Sea in Jordan.


Since retirement we built our current home on the North Shore of beautiful, sunny and warm St Croix, US Virgin Islands.


My Daughter is 40 and son is 34. Four Grandchildren 10, 7, 5, and 1 years old.


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