Steven Fischbein


Al recently (3/ 17/2014 ) sent a short e-mail to many in the class about his and Carol's son, Steven, being named Coach of the Year for Section IX wrestling in New York State.  Since our coaches at PRHS played such and important part in our high-school experience, we asked Al for a little more information about Steven, and here's what we learned.

The Friends of Section IX held their Awards Banquet on March 16.  (In case you're wondering what Section IX includes, here's their logo showing their district.  It's pretty big.)

Steven's team, the Monroe-Woodbury Crusaders from Central Valley, NY, finished first in the state! As the Section IX newsletter put it in their "March Matness" issue:

"Monroe Woodbury finished the season ranked #1 in NYS and received the Team of the Year Award.  The Crusaders head coach, Steve Fischbein, received the Mark Faller Coach of the Year Award.  After receiving a well-deserved standing ovation, Coach Fischbein, who is retiring from his head coaching position, gave an outstanding speech acknowledging many of his fellow coaches from around the Section.  Congratulations and great job Coach Fischbein…you went out with style and class! "

A photo of Steven:

and of his winning team:

For Al, who was on the wrestling team in our Class of '58, and for Carol (Class of '60) to have one of their 'kids' become a coach in the same neck of the woods (Central Valley is only a half hour upstate from Pearl River) and be so successful, has got to bring them great pleasure.