Need money to invest in production and business in Vietnam

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1. Introduction:

Greetings and wish the health investors, many successful, happy, wealthy assets worth the world

2. The need for investment:

Macadamia planted after 3-5 years will be harvested, live for 80 years, 50-70kg / tree / crop / year, 90000vnd / kg

Hectare planted 350 trees, only take care in the first 3 years, then harvest

The macaque is very beneficial to the health of the user, helping the young to develop the brain.

In the world, macadamia yield is only 30% of demand, ... Macadamia plantation is very suitable in Vietnam (We have planted) - There are currently many units but the largest Himlam and Lienviet

Government supports planting and export of macadamia nuts (Decree No. 210-2013 NDCP - Article 12 on policy)

At present there are 2 factories purchasing and processing for export in Vietnam and many other small units

Macadamia is best absorbed by the body and is most conveniently processed into milk.

3. Summary of investment projects:

We have been planting 20ha of macadamia and are now about to be harvested

We invest in Macca milk factory in Hanoi with initial investment of about 6 billion

By the end of 2016, macaroni milk can be cans 200ml, our production line is 15000sp / day

Currently sp has been present in 54 provinces and we have also profitable, ...

Our goal: We will grow 20 times over now in the next five years

We will be leading the way with 100% natural plant milk, plant extra milk and the world

Mission: We will make use of the available resources to produce clean milk, 100% vegetable and macaque nutrition, beans to all Vietnamese and foreigners.

Success Factor: 100% Success

Products and services: Currently we have products - the market we build distribution system.

Determining the needs of our customers: Our black bean macaque products are well received by customers and repeatedly used after the trial.

Market Analysis: Until now, we have no rivals

Implementation Strategy: Currently we are marketing directly and traditionally, and sp to more provinces than big cities, we will develop communication activities this year.

Management team: We have enough talent for the work as well as competent personnel to companion.

Financial Analysis and Recommendation: We are planning to build a factory to produce in the south so I am writing this project. Currently the customer demand is higher than the production capacity of We need to build a factory in the south to meet the market and support the best and fastest business to reach and achieve our goal in the next five years.

We plan to build in the south, in Da Nang, Binh Duong, HCM, Long An, Tien Giang, etc. Initial cost

About 15 billion VND, We have now prepared 5 billion, need more capital from 10 billion or more, ... We are planning two options (outsourcing or direct production depending on the financial main)

Gom capital of 500 million, Land of 1 hectare (ha), ......... ..

5. Conclusion

- At the factory in the North: Profit, the product is gaining 1000d / lon

Current profit before tax 370 - 400 million / 26 days

- To build the southern factory, the profit is doubled, convenient, many advantages, ...

- Investment in factories in the south: 15 billion - 100,000 / day x1000d (words) x26ngay to earn 2.5 billion dongs

6. Appendices of the project:

We have full production figures, sales, distributors, ..

We have full development orientation

We have full legal documents as well as government circular and product development macca, agriculture, planting techniques, production, processing, competitors ... related products

For more information contact us: 0946590823

We are looking forward to your interest and contribution to meet your goals and profit soon.

Special thanks

Ngày nay khoa học kỹ thuật phát triển tới mức cao nên vấn đề sức khỏe là vấn đề hết sức cấp thiết và rất quan trọng"bệnh từ miệng" Ngành thực phẩm cũng phát triển xứng tầm để đáp ứng nhu cầu ăn uống, tuy nhiên hiện nay sản xuất thực phẩm, bán thức ăn nhanh quá nhiều bẩn thỉu,... không bao nhiêu cơ sở hiểu vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm, có kiến thức thực phẩm, không được đào tạo kiến thực phẩm, mướn nhân viên thì tốn kém, sản xuất mà để vài ngày là hư hỏng, nên dùng phụ gia vô tội vạ... là 1 kỹ sư công nghệ hóa thực phẩm với nhiều năm kinh nghiệm và thực nghiệm nay chúng tôi mời gọi cá nhân hoặc công ty hợp tác sản xuất, kinh doanh thực phẩm siêu sạch như Chao, tương, màu, tương đen, tỏi muối, bún,bánh, phở, bún khô xuất khẩu, các sản phẩm từ nha đam, đồ hộp chim cuốc, đồ hộp nhộng tằm xuất khẩu, nuôi gà, gà ác, heo, sản xuất thuốc thú y, thủy sản ... quý vị nào có cùng chí hướng xin liên hệ

Dt: 0983,209,452 Mr. Đức, i am living at Việt nam

