Information from Shawn Carney

Received August 12, 2011

This fall's 40 Days for Life will be a record-setter... and YOU are invited to help make history!

Here's a quick rundown on the largest 40 Days for Life campaign yet, which will be conducted from September 28 to November 6:

* 291 locations (the most ever, and this number may still go up by a few as we work through a few final application details!)

* 48 US states -- plus Washington, DC and Puerto Rico

* 7 Canadian provinces

* Australia, England, Spain and -- for the first time

-- Germany and Argentina

* Many NEW cities ... 46 first-time campaigns full list of locations for the 40 Days for Life campaign has just been posted at:

This fall's campaign, from September 28 - November 6, will be the largest and longest internationall coordinated pro-life mobilization in history ... and you can help save lives by getting involved TODAY!

Here's a quick list of the blessings that God has provided through 40 Days for Life campaigns over just the last four years:

* 400,000 have joined to pray and fast for an end to abortion

* 13,000 church congregations have participated in the 40 Days for Life campaigns

* 4,313 lives reported as spared from abortion --and those are just the ones we know about

* Women have been spared from the effects of abortion, including a lifetime of regrets

* 53 abortion workers have quit their jobs and walked away from the abortion industry

* 14 abortion facilities completely shut down following local 40 Days for Life campaigns

* Women and men with past abortion experiences have begun post-abortion healing and recovery

* 1,500 news stories have been featured in radio shows, newspapers, magazines and TV programs

* After 38 years of legalized abortion, people of faith are experiencing a renewed sense of HOPE!


Shawn Carney

Campaign Director

40 Days for Life